Here are deals to be found this week at albertsons. Nothing that screams AWESOME yet(but have a look, there might be YOUR price in there), but there are doubles coming this Sunday,Monday, Tuesday. Some of the items, have what the double price is going to be. Odds are, ill send out a double ideas email sometime soon. But this gives you a basic idea of to expect! 🙂
Also in the Savings For a Better You coupon booklet found in stores there is a coupon in there – Save $25 off your next grocery purchase with any NEW or Transferred Prescription (to the pharmacy.) So transfer a prescription or bring in a new one and get your $25 worth of groceries for FREE!
Albertson’s Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts $1.88 lb
Fresh Asparagus $1.88 lb
Fresh Express Complete Salads, 7.75-14 oz bags $2.50
Starkist Chunk Light Tuna, 5 oz can .39 with in-ad coupon (limit 3)
Shopper’s Value White or Wheat Bread .77 with in-ad coupon (limit 2)
Jennie-O Lean Ground Turkey $4.99 B1G1 FREE
= $2.50 each 20 oz pkg
Pork Country Style Ribs $3.49 lb B1G1 FREE
= $1.75 lb
Old Orchard Apple, Cranberry or Pomegrante frozen juice blends $1.00 each with in-ad coupon (limit 10)
$1/4 printable coupon
= .75 each (or .50 each after doubler)
Nabisco Chips Ahoy Cookies, 9.5-15.25 oz $1.99 with in-ad coupon (limit 2)
$1/1 Nabisco Cookies when you buy 1 gallon of milk printable
= .99 for cookies wyb milk (or FREE cookies after doubler wyb milk)
Tombstone Pizza 18.25-29.5 oz $2.00 each with in-ad coupon (limit 5)
Ore-Ida Potatoes 16 – 32 oz $2.00 with in-ad coupon (limit 2)
-use $1/2 from Safeway Frozen Foods Coupon Booklet
= $1.50 each wyb 2 (or $1.00 each after doubler)
Land o Frost Deli Shaved Meat $2.99
$1/1 printable coupon
= $1.99 (or .99 after doubler)
Hormel Country Crock Side Dishes $3.50
-use $1/1 from 2/13 SS
$1/2 printable coupon
= as low as $2.50 (or $1.50 after doubler)
Hefty One Zip Storage Bags $2.00
$1/2 from 2/20 RP (regional)
= $1.50 (or $1.00 after doubler)
Ziploc Containers $3.00
$1.50/2 from 1/9 SS (hurry, expires 3/5)
= $2.25
Ortega Green Chilis $1.69
$1/2 printable coupon
.50/2 from 1/23 SS
= as low as $1.19 (or .69 after doubler)
Barilla Pasta $1.49
.50/1 from 1/9 SS (regional)
= .99 (or .49 after doubler)
International Delight Coffe Creamer $1.79
.55/1 printable coupon
.55/1 printable coupon
= $1.24 (or .69 after doubler)
Frigo String Cheese $4.99
$1/1 printable coupon
$1/1 from 1/30 SS insert
= $3.99 (or $2.99 after doubler)
Buitoni Filled Pasta or Sauce, 9-15 oz $2.99
$1/1 printable coupon
$1/1 from 1/2 SS (regional)
= $1.99 (or .99 after doubler!)
Hunt’s Canned Tomatoes, 15 oz .89
.45/3 from 1/23 SS
= .74 each (or .59 after doubler)
Malt-o-Meal Cereals $2.50
$1/2 printable coupon
= $2.00 (or $1.50 after doubler)
Kellogg’s Froot Loops 12.2 oz, Rice Krispies 12 oz, Frosted Flakes cereals 14 oz, $1.88
$1/2 printable coupon (Rice Krispies)
$1/2 printable coupon (Frosted Flakes)
$1/3 printable coupon kellogg’s cereals
= as low as $1.38 (or .88 after doubler!)
Kellogg’s Pop Tarts, 8 ct $1.88
$0.70/1 Pop Tarts Mini Crisps printable coupon (if participating)
$1/2 mini-cripst from 2/6 RP (regional, if participating)
= as low as $1.18 (or .48 after doubler)
Stouffer’s Frozen Meals $2.00
$1/1 printable (if type participating)
$1/3 from Safeway Frozen Foods coupon booklet
= as low as $1.00 (as low as FREE after doubler!)
Yoplait Yogurt .50 each
-use $1/10 coupon from 2/13 GM
– .40/6 from 2/13 GM
– .50/4 printable coupon
.40/6 printable coupon (
= as low as .40 each (or .30 after doubler)
Progresso Rich n Hearty or Traditional Soup $1.25
$1/4 printable coupon
$1/4 printable coupon
$1/4 from 1/16 SS insert
$1/4 from 2/13 SS
= $1.00 each wyb 4 (or .75 after doubler)
Oscar Mayer Deli Creations $1.00
-use $1/2 printable coupon (
$1/2 printable coupon
= .50 each! (or FREE after doubler!)
Hillshire Farm Deli Select Ultra Thin or Hearty Slices $3.50 each
$1/1 printable coupon
= $2.50 (or $1.50 after doubler)
Skinny Cow Sandwiches, Bars or Cones $3.99
$1/1 Truffle bars printable coupon
= $2.99 ($1.99 after doubler)
Digiorno Pizza & Wingz, Pizza & Breadstics or Ultimate Pizza $6.99
$1/1 from Safeway Frozen Foods Booklet
= $5.99 ($4.99 after doubler)
Starbucks Ice Cream pint $3.00
$1/1 printable coupon
= $2.00 ($1.00 after doubler)
Jose Ole Taquitos or snacks $3.99
$1/1 printable coupon
$1/1 from 1/16 SS insert (regional)
= $2.99 ($1.99 after doubler)
Totinos Pizza Rolls, 40 ct $3.50
.50/2 printable coupon
= $3.25
Kozy Shack PUdding, select varieties $3.79 B1G1 FREE
$1/1 printable (if type participating)
.55/1 printable tub
$1/2 from 1/23 SS (regional)
= using 2 coupons as low as $1.79/2 or .89 each (or FREE with doublers)
Dannon Activia Parfaits, 6 oz .99
$1/3 from 2/27 SS (regional)
= .66 each wby 3 (.33 after doubler)
Pillsbury Toaster Strudels $2.50
.50/2 from 1/2 GM
.50/2 from 2/13 GM
= $2.25
Green Giant Valley Fresh Steamers 11-12 $2.00
.50/2 printable coupon
.50/1 printable coupon
= as low as $1.50 ($1.00 after doubler)
Jimmy D’s Breakfast Items, or Skillets $4.99
$1/1 printable coupon for Jimmy D’s
= $3.99 ($2.99 after doubler)
Dannon Activia or Light & Fit Yogurt, 4pack $2.29
$1/1 printable coupon
= $1.29 (.29 after doubler!)
Danimals Crush Cup, 4 pack or Coolisions $2.29
$1/1 from 2/27 SS (regional)
= $1.29 (.29 after doubler)
V-8 Vegetable Juice, 46 oz $3.39
$1/2 100% Vegetable juice printable coupon
$1/1 V-fusion + tea (if participating) printable
= as low as $2.39 (or $1.39 after doubler)
Uncle Ben’s Rice $2.29
$1/1 from 1/9 RP (expires 3/6)
$1/1 from 2/13 RP
$1.00 fresh beef wyb uncle bens from 2/13 RP (regional)
= $1.29 (or .29 after doubler)
Old El Paso Hard Taco Shells $1.25 each
.60/2 printable coupon
.60/2 printable coupon
= .95 (.65 after doubler)
Hostess Multipack Cupcakes, Zingers, Ding Dongs, Ho Ho or Twinkies $2.50
Sunshine Cheez-It Crackers $1.99
$1/2 from 1/30 RP
= $1.49 each wyb 2 ($1.00 each after doubler)
Quaker Chewy Granola Bars $1.67 each
Snyder of Hanover Pretzels $3.00
$1/2 from 1/16 SS
$1/2 from 2/27 SS
= $2.50 ($1.50 after doubler)
Keebler Vienna Fingers $1.99
$1/2 printable coupon
= $1.49 (or .99 after doubler)
Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Oatmeal Squares Cereal or Quick/Old Fashioned Oats $2.99
$1/1 Intant Oats or Oatmeal from 1/2 RP
$1/1 Quaker Oatmeal Cereal from 1/30 RP
= $1.99 (or .99 after doubler)
Hershey’s Easter 6 pack trays candy $3.00
$1/3 printable coupon
= $2.66
Nature Made Vitamins Buy One Get One FREE
-various coupons from March All You Magazine and Feb All You
$1/1 printable for any Nature Made
-various Nature Made printables here
= using (2) coupons possibly a great deal on the vitamins you use.
Ensure 4-6 packs $6.00
– $3/1 printable coupon
– $3/1 from 2/27 SS insert
– B2G1 Ensure product, 4 pk, from 1/9 SS (regional and exp 03/06)
= $3.00
Zone Perfect bars $1.00
– .55/1 from 1/16 SS
– .55/1 from 2/27 SS
= .45 (or FREE after doublers!)
Buy 4 participating Dove Mens+Care, Axe, Suave Men’s or Vaseline Men’s products, save $4.00 instantly (3/2 – 3/8)
Suave Shampoo (if they have a men’s variety?) $1.00
Buy 4,
get $4 instant savings
= FREE Suave shampoo? (will verify prices on items tonight)
Dove Bar Soap Mens + Care $5.99
$1/1 printable coupon
$1/1 printable coupon
= $4.99 (buy 4 and use 4 coupons + 3 doublers and pay $3.25 each after discount)
Axe Body Spray, Deodorant Stick or Shower Gel or tool $3.99
= $2.99 each wyb 4 after discount
Huggies Jumbo Pack Diapers, Pull-ups or Goodnites $8.99
$2/1 Pullups printable
$2/1 Snug & Dry from 2/27 SS (regional)
$2.50/1 Pure & Natural from 2/27 SS (regional)
= as low as $6.49
Huggies Wipes refill or Pampers $5.99
-use FREE 72ct or smaller tub wyb wipes from 2/27 SS (regional)
= $5.99 for big refill and small tub
Spend $20 on participating items get a coupon for $5 off your next shopping trip. Limit 1 coupon per transaction, says minimum purchase requirement is factored after manufacturer’s coupons are redeemed (note: I have been able to still get the catalina to print as long as I get to $20 before coupons…but do this at your own risk.) Savings is essentially 25% off when you consider the catalina – first price listed is sale price, second price is 25% off.
Crest Premium Toothpaste $2.50/$1.87
$1/1 from 2/27 PG insert
= .87
Oral B Advantage or Advance Toothbrush $2.50/$1.87
.75/1 from 2/27 PG insert
= $1.15
Pringles Super Stack $1.50/$1.12
$1/2 from P&G $110 coupon booklet
= .62 each wyb 2
Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner $3.00/$2.25
$1/1 from 2/27 PG insert
$1/1 P&G $110 coupon booklet
= $1.25
Gillette Fusion or ProGlide Razor $8.99/$6.74
$4/1 from 2/27 PG insert
$5/1 P&G Everyday solutions coupon booklet
= $2.74
Dawn Dishwashing Liquid or Foam $2.49/$1.86
$1/1 Dawn with Olay if participating from P&G coupon booklets
.25/1 from 2/27 PG insert
.50/1 from PG $110 coupon booklet
= as low as .86 possibly
Febreze Air Effects, Noticeables Warmer or Set & Refresh $2.99/$2.24
$1/1 Air Effects from 2/27 PG
$1/1 Air Effects from $110 P&G coupon booklet
FREE Febreze warmer wyb Noticeables refill from 2/27 PG
$1/1 noticeables warmer from Organize in Style coupon booklet
Look for Mail in Rebate form for FREE Warmer in stores possibly
$1/1 Set & Refresh from Organize in Style booklet
$1/1 Set & Refresh from 2/27 PG
= as low as $1.24
Swiffer Dry refills, wet refills, dusters or 360ct duster refills $7.79/$5.84
– Buy One Wet or Dry Refill, get one FREE from 2/27 PG insert
.50/1 refill from PG $110 coupon booklet
$1/1 Dusters from PG $110 coupon booklet
Deal Scenario:
Buy 2 Swiffer wet or dry refills
Buy 2 Crest Toothpastes
subtotal = $20.58
-use B1G1 FREE Swiffer coupon from 2/27 PG
+ use (2) $1/1 Crest coupons from 2/27 PG
= $10.79, (or $8.79 with 2 doubler) + get back $5 on your next shopping trip
Final price- $3.79 for all these items after doublers!
Pampers Big Pack Diapers $19.99/$14.99
$2.50/1 from 2/27 PG (regional value)
or $2/1 from 2/27 PG
= $12.49 for a big box!
Tide Stain Release or Laundry Detergent $10.99/$8.24
$3/1 from 2/27 PG insert
= $5.24
Bounty Giant Roll Paper Towels, or Charmin Bath Tissue 18 double rolls $10.99/ $8.24
Prilosec OTC $24.99/$19.99
$3/1 from 2/27 PG
= $17.99
Duracell Alkaline Batteries, 10 pack $6.29/$4.70
$1/1 from P&G $110 coupon booklet
.50/1 from 2/27 PG
= $3.70
Cascade Dishwashing Detergent $5.19/$3.89
$1/1 from P&G $110 coupon booklet
.25/1 from 2/27 PG
= as low as $2.89
Always Infinity Pads or Tampax Pearl Tampons $6.99/$5.24
$1/1 from P&G $110 coupon booklet
.50/1 from 2/27 PG
= as low as $4.24
Iams Dog Food 15-17 lbs $17.49/$13.12
$1/1 from P&G $110 coupon booklet
= $12.12
Here is a quick and easy deal. I needed some cheese and needed a great…
Where have I been? Great Question!! Thank you for all your responses and kind words…
Where have I been? Great Question!! Thank you for all your responses and kind words…
Where have I been? Great Question!! Thank you for all your responses and kind words…
Here is a nice look at the NEXT Safeway & Albertsons Weekly Deal Summary 05/15/19…
Here is the Fred Meyer Weekly Deal Summary 05/08/19 - 05/14/19!! I have listed most…