Albertsons Weekly Deal Summary 1/29 – 2/4


Well…back to a nice weekly deal summary for next’s week ad, here is the 1/29 – 2/4 ad at Albertsons. I have listed most of the items from the ad, and/or that have coupon associated with an item. I have highlighted some of my favorites with a **!

Also at the end of each of my posts is a little “Print Friendly” button, click it and you can cut/paste through the following list and come up with your shopping list fairly quickly!

If any new coupons come up in the next few days, I’ll keep this list updated!

Albertsons Meat & Seafood Deals

Fresh Boneless skinless Chicken Breasts, $1.99/lb

Fresh Ground beef 85/15, $2.79/lb

Pork Baby Back Ribs, $2.99/lb

Fresh Atlantic Salmon fillet, $7.99/lb

Bar S Hotdogs(meat), $0.78 with in-ad coupon

Signature 8 piece mixed chicken(fried or grilled), $5.99 with in-ad coupon

Breaded Pork Cutlet, B1G1

Breaded eye of round steak, B1G1

Seasoned Chicken Leg Quarters, B1G1

Steakhouse Choice Rib eye steaks, $7.99/lb

Steakhouse Choice New York Steaks, $7.99/lb

Steakhouse Choice Tri Tip Roast, $4.99/lb

Steakhouse Choice Chuck Roast, $4.99/lb

Johnsonville Sausage 19oz, $3.99
$1/2 Johnsonville Sausage (exp 3/17/14) SS 01/19/14
Final Price= $3.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Hills Smoked Platter Bacon, $3.99/lb

Fresh Boneless Pork Loin Chops, B1G1

Fresh Center Cut Pork Loin Roast, B1G1

Fresh pork Picnic Style Roast, $1.59/lb

Fresh Shoulder Roast, $2.29/lb

Catfish Nuggets, $2.99/lb

Wild Sockeye Salmon fillet, $10.99/lb

Seasoned Boneless Pork Chops, B2G1 with in-ad coupon

Seasoned Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, B2G1 with in-ad coupon

Seasoned Boneless Pork Shoulder Steaks, B2G1 with in-ad coupon

Nathans Beef Franks, B1G1

Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage, B1G1

HIllshire Farm Litl Smokes, B1G1
$0.55/1 Hillshire Farms Li’l Smoked Cocktail Links (exp 3/2/14) SS 01/19/14
$0.55/1 Hillshire Farms L’il Smoked Cocktail Links (exp 2/2/14)
$0.55/1 Hillshire Farm Lit’l Smokies Product (exp Varies)
Final Price= Varies ea after coupon

Land O frost Premium Lunchmeat, $3.99
$0.55/1 Land O’ Frost Premium, Bistro, Deli Shaved Lunchmeat (exp Varies)
Final Price= $3.44 ea after coupon

Ball Park Meat Franks, B1G1


Albertsons Vegetable & Fruit Deals

Fresh made Guacamole 12oz, B1G1

Fresh Broccoli or Cauliflower Crowns, $0.99/lb

Chachies Salsa, B1G1

Mangoes, $1

Fresh lemons, $0.79

Fresh Celery, $0.89/lb

Earthbound Farm Organic Salad, $2.99

Organic Avocados, $2

Albertsons Dairy & Cheese Deals

**Essential Everyday Butter, $1.99 with in-ad coupon**
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $1.24 ea after coupon

Sargento Cheese(shreads), $2.50
$0.50/2 Sargento Natural Shredded or Sliced Cheese (exp 3/2/14) SS 01/26/14
$0.55/1 Sargento Natural Shredded or Sliced Cheese (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.95 ea after coupon

Darigold Sour Cream 16oz, $1.59

**Lactaid 100% lactose free milk, $2.99**
$3/2 Pepcid, Mylanta, Lactaid or Tucks (exp 4/30/14) RP 01/26/14 #2(technically should work!)
$0.55/1 Lactaid Milk Product (exp Varies)
$0.55/1 Lactaid Lowfat Chocolate Milk (exp Varies)
$0.55/1 Lactaid Calcium Enriched Milk Product (exp Varies)
$0.50/1 Lactaid Milk Product (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Dannon YogurtS, $1
B2G1 Dannon, Stonyfield or YoCrunch Yopa Greek Item (exp 2/16/14) SS 01/05/14
Final Price= $0.66 ea WYB 3 after coupon

Organic Horizon Milk, $1.50

Albertsons Bread & Bakery Deals

Fresh Baked Albertsons Cookies, B1G1

Ball park Hot Dog Buns, $2

Franz Outdoor or Stadium Rolls, $2.50

Franz BIG breads, $1.99

Albertsons English Muffins, $1.29

King Hawaiians Roll 12ct, $2.99
$1/2 King’s Hawaiian Products (exp 2/28/14) RP 01/26/14 R
$1/2 King’s Hawaiian Dinner Rolls (exp 1/31/14) RP 12/15/13
$1/2 King’s Hawaiian Dinner Rolls (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Albertsons Frozen & Refrigerated Deals

Dreyers Ice Cream, $3

Haagen Dazs ice Cream, $3

Simply orange OJ, $3

Tropicana Pure Premium 89oz, $4.99

Essential Everyday Frozen Potato items, $2
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $1.25 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday Whipped Topping, $1.25
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $0.50 ea after coupon

Ling Ling potstickers 24oz, $5.99

Pagoda Express Entrees, $3
$1/1 Pagoda Express Product (exp 3/22/14) SS 01/26/14
$1/1 Pagoda Express Product (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2 ea after coupon

Lean cuisine entrees, $2.25
$1/5 Lean Cuisine Varieties (exp 3/31/14) SS 01/05/14 #2
Final Price= $2.20 ea WYB 5 after coupon

Jose Ole Taquitos or Mini tacos, $3.99
$1/1 Jose Ole Snack (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.99 ea after coupon

InnovAsian entrees, $4.99

Stouffers party size Lasagna or Enchiladas, $10.99
$1/1 Stouffer’s Family Size, Large Family Size, or Party Size Entree (exp 4/30/14) RP 01/26/14 #2
Final Price= $9.99 ea after coupon

Totinos Pizza, $1

Tonys Pizza, $2

Red Baron Single Serve, $3
$0.50/1 Red Baron Singles Products (exp 2/28/14) SS 01/19/14
Final Price= $2.50 ea after coupon

Red baron Classic Crust Pizza, $3
$1/2 Red Baron Pizza (exp 2/28/14) SS 01/19/14
$3/3 Red Baron Multi-Serve Pizzas (exp 2/15/14)
$1/2 Red Baron Multi-Serve Pizzas (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.00 ea WYB 3 after coupon

Freschetta Pizza, $4
$1.50/2 Freschetta Pizza Product (exp 2/28/14) SS 01/12/14
Final Price= $3.25 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Culinary Circle Pizzas, $4
$1/1 Culinary Circle Frozen Pizza (exp 2/8/14) RP 01/12/14 R
Final Price= $3 ea after coupon

Digiorno Pizza, $5
B2G1 Digiorno Pizza (exp 2/9/14) RP 01/26/14 #2 R
B2G1 DiGiorno Pizzas (exp Varies)
Final Price= $10 for 3(or $3.33 ea) after coupon

Farm Rich appetizers, $5
$1.25/2 Farm Rich Snack (exp 4/13/14) SS 01/19/14
$1/1 Farm Rich Snack (exp 2/2/14) SS 12/08/13 #2
$0.75/1 Farm Rich Product (exp Varies)
$1.50/2 Farm Rich Snacks (exp Varies)
$1/1 Farm Rich Snack (exp Varies)
$1/1 Farm Rich Snack (exp Varies)
$1/1 Farm Rich Snack (exp Varies)
Final Price= $4 ea after coupon

Totinos pizza rolls 80ct, $6
$0.40/2 Totino’s Rolls Snacks (exp 4/19/14) SS 01/26/14
$0.75/3 Totino’s Roll Snacks (exp Varies)
Final Price= $5.80 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Pillsbury Grands Biscuits, $1
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands! Biscuits (exp 4/19/14) SS 01/26/14
$0.40/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands! or Grands! Jr. Biscuits (exp 3/8/14) SS 12/15/13
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands! Biscuits (exp 3/29/14) SS 01/05/14 #3
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands Biscuits (exp 3/1/14) SS 12/08/13
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands! Biscuits (exp 2/15/14) SS 11/24/13
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Refrigerated Grands! Biscuits (exp 2/1/14) SS 11/10/13
Final Price= $0.85 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Mama Rosas Pizza 42oz, $4.99

Pasta Prima pasta or sauce, $3.50

Monterey Pasta, $5.99


Other Albertsons Deals

Lays Potato Chips, B1G1

Pepsi-7UP 12 packs, 4/$12 WYB 4

**Sweet baby Rays BBQ Sauce, $0.99 with in-ad coupon**
$1/2 Sweet Baby Ray’s Barbecue Sauce (exp Varies)
Final Price= $0.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Wild Harvest Organic Black Beans, $1

Wild harvest natural Tortilla Chips 9oz, $2.50

Essential Everyday Cold Cereal, $2.50
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $1.75 ea after coupon

Keebler Club or Town house crackers, 4/$9 WYB 4

Moms Best Cereal, $2.50

Essential Everday Granola Bars, $3.19
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.44 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday mac&cheese, $1
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $0.25 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday Mayo, $3.19
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.44 ea after coupon

Frenchs Spicy Brown Mustard, $2.19
$0.75/1 French’s Spicy Brown Mustard or Horseradish Mustard (exp 3/31/14) SS 01/19/14
$0.50/1 French’s Spicy Brown or Horseradish Mustard (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.44 ea after coupon

Franks Red Hot Sauce, $2.99
$0.30/1 Frank’s RedHot Sauce (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.69 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday Chucky Soup, $2.29
$1/3 Everyday Essential Pasta Side Dishes (exp 3/1/14)
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $1.54 ea after coupon

Planters Roasted Peanuts, $3.99
$1/2 Planters Nuts or Peanut Butter (exp 3/31/14) SS 01/26/14
$1/2 Planters Nuts (exp 1/31/14) SS 11/17/13
$1/2 Planters Nuts or Peanut Butter (exp Varies)
Final Price= $3.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Essential Everyday Chips or Pretzels, $1.99
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $1.24 ea after coupon

Snyder’s Pretzels, $2.50

Cheezits Crackers, $3

Essential Everyday snack Mix, $2.99
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.24 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday Honey Bear 12oz, $3.29
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.54 ea after coupon

Pepperidge Farm goldfish puffs, $2

Mission Tortilla chips, $2.99

Essential Everyday Beef Jerky 3.25oz, $3.99
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $3.24 ea after coupon

American Red Vines 4lb, $6.99

Flipz Chocolate Covered Pretzels, $1

Pop Secret Microwave popcorn, $4

Starbucks coffee, $6.99

Bush Baked Beans, $1.50
$1/2 Bush’s Grillin’ Beans (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Pearls olives, $1.50

Heinz ketchup 38oz, $2.49

Ortega Diced green Chilis, $1.29
$0.50/2 Ortega Product (exp 4/30/14) SS 01/19/14 R
Final Price= $1.04 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Nalley Chili, $1.25

Vlasic Pickles, $2.99
$1/2 Vlasic Pickles Peppers or Relish (exp 2/28/14) SS 01/19/14
Final Price= $2.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Stubbs BBQ Sauce, $2.99

El Pinto Salsa, $2.99

Ortega Taco Sauce or shells, $2
$0.50/2 Ortega Product (exp 4/30/14) SS 01/19/14 R
Final Price= $1.75 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Ortega Taco Seasoning, $0.75
$0.50/2 Ortega Product (exp 4/30/14) SS 01/19/14 R
Final Price= $0.50 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Propel, $1

Tims Cascade chips, $3.50

**Essential Everyday Canned Veggies, $1**
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $0.25 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday Apple juice or Cider, $2.79
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.04 ea after coupon

Powerade, $1

Prego pasta sauce, $2
$0.40/2 Prego Italian Sauce (exp 2/28/14) SS 01/05/14 R
$0.75/1 Prego Alfredo Sauce (exp 2/28/14) SS 01/05/14 R
$0.75/2 Prego Italian Sauce (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.25 ea after coupon(for white)

Essential Everyday Cranberry Cocktail Sauce, $2.99
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.24 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday Canned Chili with beans, $1.39
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $0.64 ea after coupon

Mezzetta Peppers, $1.50

Donut House ice coffee Kcups, $9.99

Caffe Capri Coffee 12oz, $8.99

GoGo squeez applesauce, $2.99
$1.25/1 GoGo Squeez Product (exp 1/31/14)
Final Price= $1.74 after coupon

Bigelow tea, $2.99

Pepsi 2liters, 3/$5 WYB 3

Coke 2liters, 4/$5 WYB 4

Coke 12pks, 3/$12 WYB 3

Tradewinds tea 1 gal, $2.79

Buy $6 worth of McCormicks seasonings(packet) or zatarains or lawrys seasonings Get a $2 OYNP

Hefty Plates, $1.50
$1/2 Hefty Foam Plates or Bowls (exp 2/28/14) RP 11/10/13
$1/2 Hefty Foam Plates or Bowls (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Essential Everyday napkins, $2.50
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $1.75 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday Foam Bowls, $2
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $1.50 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday trash bags, $3
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.25 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday laundry detergent 100oz, $5.99
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $5.24 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday fabric softener, $3
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.25 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday aluminum foil, $2.50
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $1.75 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday Party Cups 50ct, B1G1
(use 2)$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= Varies ea after coupon

Chinet Comfort Cups, $2.50
$1/1 Chinet Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Chinet Branded Products (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.5 ea after coupon

Chinet Square plates, $2.50
$1/1 Chinet Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Chinet Branded Products (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.5 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday bath tissue 12 rolls, $5.99
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $5.24 ea after coupon

Pantene Shampoo or conditioner, $3.50
FREE Pantene Conditioner or Styler wyb Shampoo (exp 2/9/14) P&G 01/26/14
$2/2 Pantene Damage Detox Shampoo or Conditioner Product (exp Varies)
$2/2 Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner Product (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.75 ea WYB 2 after B1G1 coupon

Arm&hammer deodorant, $1

Softsoap liquid hand soap, $1
$0.35/1 SoftSoap Brand Liquid Hand Soap Pump (exp 2/8/14) SS 01/19/14
Final Price= $0.65 ea after coupon

**Colgate Toothpaste 4.6oz, $1**
$1/1 Colgate Total, Colgate Optic White, Colgate Max Fresh or Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste (exp 2/1/14) SS 01/19/14
Final Price= FREE  after coupon(if variety is included)

Peter Rabbit Organics baby Food, $1

Happy Baby baby Food, $1
$1/2 Happy Family, Happy Baby, or Happy Tot Pouch (exp Varies)
Final Price= $0.50 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Gerber 1st Foods, $1

Beech nut Fruities on the go, $1

Purina Dog Chow, $12.99
$1/1 Purina Dog Chow, Active Senior 7, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels, or Puppy Chow (exp 4/26/14) RP 01/26/14 #2
$1/1 Purina Brand Dry Dog or Dry Cat Food (exp 2/2/14)
Final Price= $11.99 ea after coupon

Alpo Canned Dog Food, $0.80
$1/10 Alpo Cans or Variety Pack (exp 3/10/14) RP 01/26/14 #2
Final Price= $0.70 ea WYB 10 after coupon

Beggin dog treats, $3
B1G1 Busy Brand Dog Treats wyb Beggin Strips Dog Treats (exp 3/15/14) RP 01/26/14 #2
Final Price= $3 for both items after coupon

Essential Everyday Scoopable Cat litter, $4.99
$0.75/1 Essential Everyday Product (exp 2/22/14) RP 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $4.24 ea after coupon

Super Mega Sale(Kraft) – Buy 10 items Mix & match Save $5 instantly
Prices below do NOT reflect promo price-take another $0.50 per item WYB 10 items

Kraft BBQ Sauce, $1.49

Kraft mayo or miracle Whips, $2.99
$0.75/1 Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip Dressing (exp 2/28/14) SS 01/19/14 R
Final Price= $2.24 ea after coupon

Yuban Coffee 28-31oz, $6.99

Maxwell house coffee 28-31oz, $6.99

Oscar mayer Lunchables, $1.49

Planters Peanut Butter, $1.99
$1/2 Planters Nuts or Peanut Butter (exp 3/31/14) SS 01/26/14
$1/2 Planters Nuts or Peanut Butter (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Kraft marshmallows, $1.99

Kraft salad Dressing, $1.99
$0.75/2 Kraft Dressing (exp 2/28/14) SS 01/26/14
Final Price= $1.62 ea after coupon

Nabisco Snack Crackers, $2.38
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Product (exp 3/8/14) SS 01/26/14
Final Price= $2.01 ea after coupon

JellO Pudding Snacks, $1.99

A1 Steak Sauce, $3.49

Kraft homestyle bowls, $2.49

Snapple tea 6pk, $4.49
$1/1 Snapple Diet Tea Bottle (exp 3/2/14) SS 01/05/14 #2
Final Price= $3.49 ea after coupon

Capri Sun 100% juice, $3.09

Crystal Light Drink Mix, $2.99
$1/2 Crystal Light Powdered Drink Mix (exp 2/25/14) SS 01/05/14 #3
Final Price= $2.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

**Gevalia coffee or kcups, $3.99**
$1.50/1 Gevalia Coffee (exp 2/8/14) SS 01/12/14
$1.50/1 Gevalia Cappuccino, Mocha Latte or Caramel Macchiato (exp 2/8/14) SS 01/12/14
$1.50/1 Gevalia Coffee or Cappuccino, Mocha Latte or Caramel Macchiato (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.49 ea after coupon ($2.00 each if you work this into 10 items!)

Mio Energy enhancer, $3.99
$1/1 MiO, MiO Energy or MiO Liquid Enhancer (exp 2/26/14) SS 01/26/14 R
Final Price= $2.99 ea after coupon

Kraft mac & CHeese 5pk, $5.49

taco bell taco shells, $1.49

Taco bell salsa, $1.99

Taco Bell dinner kit, $2.49

Planters Nutrition Nut Mix, $5.99

Kraft Shredded Cheese, $2.49

Oscar mayer Beef Franks, $4.49

Oscar mayer deli Fresh lunch meat, $3.49
$1/2 Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat (exp 3/9/14) SS 01/12/14
$1/2 Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.99 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese, $2.49

Kraft Velveeta Loaf 32oz, $6.99

Oscar Mayer Bacon, $6.99

Claussen Pickles, $3.49
$0.55/1 Claussen Pickles (exp 3/9/14) SS 01/12/14 R
Final Price= $2.94 ea after coupon

Kraft Parmesan Cheese, $4.49

So I need some coffee and its a cheap price.

So ill buy 4 Gevalia ($2ea after coupons and promo) and 6 Planters Peanut Butter($1 ea after coupon and promo)=$14 for 4 coffees and 6 PBs…not a bad Price.  Or if you have the coupons 10 Peanut Butters for $10!

And we get this coupon!  which is hard to understand and VERY poorly worded.  Basically we buy 1 orville popcorn and we get 1 more box free AND 2 2liters of 7UP/Sunkist.  its a MQ which if scanned correctly would work fantastically at Safeway next week. 😉


View Comments

    • There are(orville) $1.79 this week at safeway. with this coupon you techinally should get 2 popcorns hats and 2 sodas for $1.79. thats a great deal

    • i know! thank you for the reminder, i meant to post that earlier! I started my day at albertsons at 7am, with 30 coupons in hand, only to find out that they retracted the $3.49 price and changed it to $6.49 WYB 10. they said it was a mistake...i doubt that. lame lame lame albertsons. :-)

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