Albertsons Weekly Deal Summary 4/8–4/14

Albertsons Weekly Deal Summary 4/8–4/14Albertsons Weekly Deal Summary 4/8–4/14

Here is a nice weekly deal summary for next’s week ad, the Albertsons Weekly Deal Summary 4/8–4/14!! I have listed many of the items from the ad, and/or that have coupon associated with an item. I have highlighted some of my favorites with a **!

As was mentioned the other day, the Monopoly Game is back! I have marked all the items below in orange and **MGP** next to each item that gives you a bonus game piece.

Also at the end of each of my posts is a little “Print Friendly” button, click it and you can cut/paste through the following list and come up with your shopping list fairly quickly!


Albertsons Meat & Seafood Deals

Steakhouse Choice beef top round london broil, $3.99/lb

Fresh Boneless Skinless chicken breasts, $1.99/lb

Fresh POrk siloin chops, $1.79/lb

Raw Shrimp, $6.99/lb

Hills Smoked Slab Bacon, $2.99/lb with in-ad coupon

Steakhouse Choice Seasoned Petite Sirloin steaks, B1G2 with in-ad coupon

Seasoned Boneless pork loin chops, B1G2 with in-ad coupon

Seasoned Pork Shoulder Steaks, B1G2 with in-ad coupon

Seasoned Boneless skinless chicken breasts, B1G2 with in-ad coupon

Seasoned Chicken Leg quarters, B1G2 with in-ad coupon

Hillshire Farms Cocktail smokies, $3.50

Hills Italian Sausage or brats, $2.99

Fresh ground beef 85/15, $4.99/lb

Fresh JennieO ground turkey, $5.49

Steakhouse Choice beef chuck steaks, B1G1

Steakhouse Choice beef chuck roast, $5.99/lb

Steakhouse Choice beef bottom round roast, $5.99/lb

Johnsonville Sausage, $4.99

Wild Sockeye salmon fillet, $9.99/lb

**Ballpark Meat Franks, $2.29**
$1/1 package of Ball Park® Hot Dogs or Ball Park Park’s Finest™ (Change zip to 23463)
$1/1 package of Ball Park® Hot Dogs or Ball Park Park’s Finest™ (Change zip to 19187)
$1/1 package of Ball Park® Hot Dogs or Ball Park Park’s Finest™ (Change zip to 17315)
$1/1 package of Ball Park® Hot Dogs or Ball Park Park’s Finest™ (Change zip to 22201)
Final Price= $1.29 ea after coupon

Nathans beef franks, $4.99 MGP

Jimmy Dean Grilled Breakfast bowls, $2 MGP

Albertsons Vegetable & Fruit Deals

Large Navel Oranges, $1.39/lb

Organic Navel Oranges, $1.79/lb

Large Lemons, $0.89

Large limes, $0.50

Jazz Apples, $0.99/lb

cantaloupe, $0.89/lb

Green Cabbage, $0.69/lb

Albertsons Dairy & Cheese Deals

**Chobani Yogurt, $0.88**
$1/3 5.3oz cups of CHOBANI SIMPLY 100® Greek Yogurt (Change zip to 30444)
$1/3 5.3oz cups of CHOBANI® Greek Yogurt (Change zip to 77477)
Final Price= $0.55ea WYB 3 ea after coupon

**Essential Everyday 2lb cheese, $4.99 with in-ad coupon**
$1/2 Essential Everyday Chips or Pretzels (exp Varies)
$0.75/2 Essential Everyday Dry Pasta (exp Varies)
$0.75/2 Essential Everyday Dry Pasta Item (exp Varies)
Final Price= $4.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

**Shoppers Value Milk 1gal, $2.39 with in-ad coupon**

**Dannon Activia, $2 MGP**
$1/1 Activia or Activia Greek (exp Varies)
$1/1 Dannon Activia Greek Yogurt (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1 ea after coupon

Essential EVeryday Cottage Cheese, $2.99

Tillamook Yogurt, $0.50

Almond Breeze Flavored milk, $2.99 MGP
$1/1 Blue Diamond Almond Breeze (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.99 ea after coupon

Yoplait Go-gurt 8pk, $2

Amish Country Butter roll, $7.99

Albertsons Bread & Bakery Deals

**Country Farms Wide pan bread, $0.99 with in-ad coupon**

Franz bread, $2.29

Franz English Muffins, $1.49

**Oroweat Wide pan Bread, $2.49**
$1/1 Arnold, Brownberry, or Oroweat bread Printable Coupon 
Final Price= $1.49 ea after coupon

Albertsons Frozen & Refrigerated Deals

Hot Pockets, $2.50 MGP

North Star ice cream bars, $2.29

Chilis entrees, B2G1
$1/2 Chili’s Frozen Food Products (exp Varies)
$1/1 Chili’s Frozen Food Products (exp Varies)
$1/2 Chili’s Frozen Food Products (exp Varies)
Final Price= varies after coupon

Red Baron singles, $2.99
$1/2 Red Baron Singles (exp Varies)
$1/2 Red Baron Deep Dish Singles (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Tonys Pizza, $2.50
$0.75/2 Tony’s Multi-Serve Pizzas (exp Varies)
$0.75/2 Tony’s Pizzeria Style Pizza (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.13 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Eggo Waffles, $4.99

Essential Everyday Frozen Juice, $1

Essential Everyday frozen veggies, $1.25

Other Albertsons Deals

Quaker Life or capn crunch cereal, $1.69ea WYB 5

Kraft mayo or miracle whip, $3.49 MGP
$1/2 Kraft Miracle Whip Dressing (exp 4/12/15) SS 03/08/15 R
$0.50/1 Kraft Mayo (exp 4/12/15) SS 03/08/15 R
$0.50/1 Kraft Miracle Whip Dressing (exp 4/12/15) SS 03/08/15 R
Final Price= $2.99 ea after coupon

Simply Asia Noodle Bowl, $3 MGP

Kraft Mac&cheese, $1 MGP

Nutella, $2.99 MGP

Smuckers jam or preserves, $2.99 MGP

Bumble Bee Solid White Albacore tuna, $1.67 MGP

Velveeta Skillets Dinner kit, $2.79 MGP

Peets Coffee, $8.99 MGP
$2/1 Peet’s Coffee K-Cup Packs (exp 5/10/15) RP 03/29/15
Final Price= $6.99 ea after coupon

Lawrys Taco seasoning, $1 MGP

Kraft pourable dressing, $2.99 MGP

Capri Sun, $2 MGP
$0.75/3 Capri Sun Juice Drinks (exp 5/2/15) SS 03/15/15 R
Final Price= $1.75 ea WYB 3 after coupon

Trident, $1

Perrier sparkling water, $1.25 MGP

Halls Cough drops, $1.50 MGP

Crisco Veggie oil, $3.99 MGP

Pillsbury Cake mix, $1.49 MGP

Pure Cane Coca-cola, $1.19 MGP

Doritos or Ruffles, $2.50

Snapple tea, $2.29

Pepperidge Farm bag cookies, $2.50 MGP

Hormel chili with beans, $1.50

Essential Everyday Apple Juice, $2.50 MGP

Mt Olives Pickles, $2.50 MGP

Post Cereal pebbles, $3 MGP

Mars King size candy bars, $1.25 MGP
B1G1 Snickers Candy Bars (exp Varies)
Final Price= $0.67 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Knudsen Blueberry or cranberry POM juice, $3.99

Mighty Leaf tea, $7.99

Annie Crackers, $3.99

Lysol Cleaners, $2
$0.50/2 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner (exp 5/19/15) SS 04/12/15
$0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Spray (exp 5/19/15) SS 04/12/15
$0.50/2 Lysol Wipes (exp 5/19/15) SS 04/12/15
$3/1 Lysol Auto Hand Soap Dispenser (exp 5/13/15) SS 04/12/15
$0.50/2 Lysol Power & Free Triggers or Lysol All Purpose Cleaning Triggers (exp Varies)
$0.50/2 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes or Dual Action Wipes (exp Varies)
$0.50/1 Lysol Products (exp Varies)
$0.50/1 Lysol Disinfectant Spray (exp Varies)
$0.50/2 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaners or Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaners (exp Varies)
$0.25/1 Lysol Clean & Fresh Multi-Surface Cleaner (exp Varies)
$0.50/1 Lysol Touch of Foam Antibacterial Hand Wash (exp Varies)
$0.50/1 Lysol Bathroom Cleaners (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.50 ea after coupon

All laundry detergent, $3.99 MGP
$1/1 All Product (exp 5/10/15) RP 03/29/15
$1/1 All Product (exp 4/12/15) RP 03/01/15
$2/2 All or Snuggle Product (exp 4/12/15) RP 03/01/15
$1/1 All Product (exp Varies)
Final Price= $2.99 ea after coupon

Woolite laundry detergent, $7.99 MGP
$1/1 Woolite Product (exp 5/9/15) SS 03/29/15
$1/1 Woolite Detergent (exp Varies)
$1/1 Woolite Detergent (exp Varies)
Final Price= $6.99 ea after coupon

Gain laundry Detergent, $10.99 MGP
$0.50/1 Gain Detergent or Fabric Enhancer, Era, or Cheer (exp 5/31/15) RP 04/12/15
$1/2 Gain Detergent or Fabric Enhancer, Era, or Cheer (exp 5/31/15) RP 04/12/15
$0.50/1 Gain Detergent or Fabric Enhancer (exp 4/30/15) SS 03/22/15
$1/2 Gain Detergent or Fabric Enhancer (exp 4/30/15) SS 03/22/15
Final Price= $10.49 ea after coupon

Charmin 12double, $7.99 MGP

Angel soft 12 double roll, $4.99ea WYB 2
$0.45/1 Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue (exp 5/12/15) RP 04/12/15
$0.50/2 Angel Soft Facial Tissue (exp Varies)
$0.55/1 Angel Soft Item (exp Varies)
Final Price= $4.44 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Essential Everyday bleach, $1.99

Hefty trash Bags, $7.99
$1/1 Hefty Tall Kitchen Trash Bags (exp 5/31/15) RP 03/22/15
$1/1 Hefty Trashbags (exp Varies)
Final Price= $6.99 ea after coupon

Dove Deodorant, $4.99 MGP

Axe Deodorant, $4.99 MGP
$1/1 Axe Deodorant Product (exp 4/19/15) RP 03/22/15
$2/2 AXE, Degree Men, or Dove Men+Care (exp Varies)
Final Price= $3.99 ea after coupon

Dial Bar Soap, $4.99
$1/2 Dial Regular or For Men Body Wash, Bar Soap, Baby or Kids Body+Hair Washes (exp 4/18/15) RP 03/29/15
Final Price= $4.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Essential Everyday party cups, $3.50

Beggin Treats, $3
B1G1 Purina Beggin’ Package (exp 6/29/15) SS 03/29/15 #2
$2/2 Purina Beggin’ Brand Dog Snack (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.50 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Finesse Shampoo or conditioner, B1G1

Irish Spring Body Wash, $3.99 MGP
$2/1 Irish Spring Bar Soap Gear or Signature (exp 5/2/15) SS 04/12/15
$2/1 Irish Spring Bodywash, Gear or Signature (exp 5/2/15) SS 04/12/15
Final Price= $1.99 ea after coupon

Tidy Cats Cat litter, $12.99

Buy 5 Save $5 promo(must buy 5 – mix & match)

Kelloggs Cereal, $2.49
$1/2 Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Regular, Gluten Free, or Cocoa Krispies Cereal (exp 5/3/15) RP 03/22/15 R
$1/3 Kellogg’s Cereal (exp 4/12/15) RP 03/01/15 #2 R
$0.50/1 Honey Smack Cereal Coupon
$0.50/1 Corn Flakes Cereal Coupon
$1/2 Raisin Bran Cereal Coupon
$0.50/1 Rice Krispies Shapes Coupon
$1/2 Kellogg’s Corn Flakes® Cereals (Change zip to 90210)
Final Price= $1.99 ea after coupon

Quaker Cereal, $1.69

Quaker oats18oz, $1.69

Quaker instant oatmeal, $1.69

Quaker bars, $1.69

Aunt Jemima syrup or pancake mix, $1.69

Dreyers Ice cream, $2.99

Haagen Dazs Ice cream, $2.99

Coffee Mate creamer, $2.49 MGP

Tropicana Pure Premium OJ, $2.49

Oscar mayer lunchables fun packs, $1.49

Oscar mayer deli fresh familysize lunch meat, $4.59

**Oscar mayer P3, $0.99**
$1/2 P3 Portable Protein Packs Coupon
Final Price= $0.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Chips Ahoy, $1.99

HOney Maid Graham crackers, $1.99

Digiorno Pizza, $4.99

California Pizza Kitchen, $4.99

Spam, $2.49

Nabisco Vareity Trays, $3.99

Muscle Milk, $2.49

Lipton tea 1gal, $2.49

La Victoria Salsa, $1.99

Mariani Sweetened Dried Cranberries, $1.39

El Monterey Chimis or tacos or burritos, $2.49

Boyds Coffee, $4.99

Palmolive Dish Soap, $5.99
$0.25/1 Palmolive Liquid Dish Soap Ultra (exp 4/11/15) SS 03/22/15
$0.50/1 Palmolive Liquid Dish Soap Ultra (exp 4/11/15) SS 03/22/15
Final Price= $5.49 ea after coupon

Essential Everyday frozen fruit, $1.99 MGP

Keebler on the go, $3.99

**Weight Watchers Cereal, $1.69 MGP**
$0.75/1 Weight Watchers Brand Cereal (exp Varies)
$0.75/1 Weight Watchers Cereal (exp Varies)
Final Price= $0.94 ea after coupon

Keelber cookies, $1.99

Special K cracker chips, $1.99

Duracel batteries, $8.99
$0.50/1 Duracell CopperTop, Quantum, Ultra Photo Lithium, Specialty Batteries, Rechargeable Batteries, Charger or Hearing Aid Batteries (exp 4/30/15) P&G 03/29/15
Final Price= $8.49 ea after coupon

Organic Hass Avocados, $1.49

Earthbound farm Organic Salad Blends, $4

Kelloggs Nutri grain bars, $2.49
$1/2 Kellogg’s® Nutri®Grain® Bars (Change zip to 23463)
Final Price= $1.99 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Tradewinds Tea, $1.99


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