Crazy FREE Cereal and Milk deal @ Albertsons [INTERMEDIATE]

(Print our coupons out NOW for this deal)

By overlapping a couple of promotions, you can score a great deal on Kellogg’s cereal and milk starting Wednesday, March 30 at Albertsons. Here are the promotions:

STOP! There’s a ton of information here. If you start getting a headache, just skip to the scenario at the bottom.

1. Select Kellogg’s products on sale $1.67 — here are the participating brands:

  • Corn Flakes (12 oz)
  • Rice Krispies (12 oz)
  • Crispix (12 oz)
  • Froot Loops (12.2 oz)
  • Cocoa Krispies (16.5 oz)
  • Frosted Flakes (14 oz)
  • Pop Tarts (8 ct)

2. FREE Milk Catalina: Buy 3 participating Kellogg’s cereals, Get a FREE milk catalina (buy milk on your next transaction & get up to $3.99 off ANY kind of milk)

3. Kellogg’s Rebate: Buy 10 participating Kellogg’s cereals, Get $10 pre-paid Mastercard by mail-in-rebate(These MAY only be good on Gas, but well have to wait and see…but still a goood thing)

  • Kellogg’s All-Bran® Original cereal
  • Kellogg’s All-Bran® Bran Buds® cereal
  • Kellogg’s All-Bran® Complete® Wheat Flakes® cereal
  • Kellogg’s Smart Start® Strong Heart Antioxidant cereal
  • Kellogg’s Smart Start® Strong Heart Toasted Oat cereal
  • Kellogg’s Corn Flakes® cereal
  • Kellogg’s Corn Flakes® Touch of Honey cereal
  • Kellogg’s Raisin Bran® cereal
  • Kellogg’s Raisin Bran® Crunch cereal
  • Kellogg’s Raisin Bran® Extra! cereal
  • Kellogg’s Crispix® cereal
  • Kellogg’s Product 19® cereal
  • Kellogg’s Mueslix® cereal
  • Kellogg’s® Cracklin’ Oat Bran cereal
  • Kellogg’s® Lowfat Granola with Raisins cereal
  • Kellogg’s® Lowfat Granola without Raisins cereal
  • Kellogg’s® Fruit Harvest Strawberry/Blueberry cereal
  • Kellogg’s Rice Krispies® cereal

4. Albertsons Twice the Value coupons are  coming on Sunday (4/3)

5. Tons of Kellogg’s cereal printable coupons (you must register; it took me about one minute):

Here are the cereals that qualify for both the Albertsons sale and the Kellogg’s rebate:

  • Corn Flakes
  • Rice Krispies
  • Crispix

Now, on to the scenarios! Wait to do this scenario until Sunday to take advantage of the doubles. If you want an easy-peezy transaction, just buy all 10 at once:

Buy 10 Kellogg’s cereals (4 Crispix, 6 Corn Flakes, or the other way around) = $16.70
Use (5) $1/2 coupons (-$5)
Use 3 Albertsons doubles (-$3)
Pay $8.70, Get 3 FREE milk Catalinas
Submit UPC symbols for $10 Mastercard rebate

FREE with $1.30 overage + 3 gallons of milk after coupons, doubles, cats & rebate

Want to know the crazy part? Kellogg’s is allowing up to 5 rebates per household, which means you could potentially get 50 boxes of Kellogg’s cereal for FREE! If you have a relationship with your Albertsons manager, please inform them of this deal and ask for them to order as many Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies and Crispix as possible.

Here is what that looks like!!

Now a really great deal with Albertsons doubles!!!!

Buy 6 boxes of Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, and/or Crispex Cereals
Use 3 $1.00/2 Kellogg’s Printables or $1/2 from 3/6 RP
use 3 Doubles
Pay: $4.02 after coupons and doubles
*Receive Catalina for 2  Free Gallons of Milk

*Do this 9 times :
Pay:$36.18 after coupons and doubles
*Receive Catalinas for 18 Free Gallons of Milk
*Submit UPC’s for a $10.00 Kellogg’s Fuel Rebate
Final Price: 54 boxes of cereal, 18 gallons of milk , and $50 of FREE fuel = Moneymaker!


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