Here are the Fred Meyer Weekly Deals -Founders Day Sale- 5/10 – 5/16! I have listed most of the grocery items that are in the ad. Fred Meyer is not responsible for any typos I may have made(I don’t think I did)! I have highlighted some of my favorites this week with a **. A Big THANKS(again) to my new Favorite Cashier! 😉 😉
As you can see, there are MANY good deals next week!
If any new coupons come up in the next few days, I’ll keep this list updated! 🙂
Fred Meyer Meat & Seafood Deals
**Fresh Foster Farms Whole Fryers, $0.88/lb**
Boneless Petite Sirloin Steaks or lean Ground Beef, $3.88/lb
Boneless Chuck Roast, $3.98/lb
Boneless Pork Loin chops, $3.98/lb
Beef New York Steaks, $7.98/lb
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch Meat, $2.50
Oscar Mayer bacon, $3.99
Extra Large EZ Peel shrimp, $7.99/lb
Fresh Foster Farms Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, $3.88/lb
**Foster Farms Ground Turkey 20oz, $3.88**
Wild Alaska Whole Sockeye Salmon, $3.99/lb
Pacific Cod Fillets, $3.99/lb
Fred Meyer Vegetable & Fruit Deals
Strawberries 1lb, $2
English Cucumbers, $0.99
Mini Peeled Carrots, $0.99
Jazz or Cripp Pink Apples, $0.99/lb
Broccoli Crowns, $0.99/lb
Mini Sweet Peppers, $3.99
Dole Salad Blends, B1G1
**Red tomatoes on the vine or hot house tomatoes, $0.97/lb**
Fred Meyer Dairy & Cheese Deals
**Tillamook Medium Cheddar 2lb, $3.99 with in-ad coupon(Limit 1)**
**Fred Meyer Milk or OJ 1/2gal, $0.99 with in-ad coupon(Limit 6)**
**Fred Meyer Butter 1lb, $1.67 with in-ad coupon(Limit 3)**
Alfresco Pasture Raised Eggs doz, $4.99
Tillamook Yogurt, $0.39
Fred Meyer Bread & Bakery Deals
**Country Oven Bread or buns, $1.25 with in-ad coupon(Limit 4)**
Dave Killer Bread, $3.99
Udis Gluten Free Bread, B1G1
$1/1 Udi’s Gluten Free Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Udi’s Gluten Free Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Udi’s Gluten Free Product (exp Varies)
Final Price= Varies ea after coupon
Fred Meyer Frozen & Refrigerated Deals
**Dreyers Ice Cream, $2.50 with in-ad coupon(Limit 4)**
**Haagen Dazs Ice Cream, $2.50 with in-ad coupon(Limit 4)**
Other Fred Meyer Deals
Tullys Coffee, $4.99 with in-ad coupon(Limit 2)
**Ocean Spray Juice Cocktail, $1.67 with in-ad coupon(Limit 6)**
**Tree Top juice, $1.67 with in-ad coupon(Limit 6)**
$1/1 Tree Top 100% Honeycrisp Fresh Pressed Apple Juice (exp 6/6/15) SS 04/26/15
Final Price= $0.67 ea after coupon
Pepsi 12pk, $2.50 with in-ad coupon(Limit 4)
7UP 12pk, $2.50 with in-ad coupon(Limit 4)
**Doritos, $2 with in-ad coupon(Limit 4)**
Cheetos or fritos, $2 with in-ad coupon(Limit 4)
Bobs Red Mill Items, 25% off
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Product (exp Varies)
Final Price= Varies after coupon
Bumble bee Tuna, $0.99
Gatorade, $0.79
Tropicana or Trop50 juice or farmstand, $2.50
$1/1 Tropicana Farmstand (exp 6/30/15) SS 04/12/15
Final Price= $1.50 ea after coupon
**General Mills Cereal, $1.59**
$1/3 General Mills Cereals (exp 6/6/15) SS 04/26/15
$0.50/1 Reese’s Puffs Cereal (exp Varies)
$1/2 General Mills Big G Cereals: Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Chex (exp Varies)
$0.75/1 Cookie Crisp Cereal (exp Varies)
$1/1 Big G Golden Grahams Cereal (exp Varies)
Final Price= $0.59-$1.27 ea after coupon
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks, $1.59
$0.50/2 General Mills Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit By The Foot, Fruit Gushers or Fruit Roll Ups Fruit Flavored Snacks or Ocean Spray, Mott’s, Sunkist or Fiber One Fruit Flavored Snacks (exp 6/13/15) SS 04/19/15
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit By The Foot, Fruit Gushers or Fruit Roll-Ups Fruit Flavored Snacks (exp Varies)
Final Price= $1.34 ea WYB 2 after coupon
**Moms Best Naturals Cereal, $1**
Angel Food Bar Cake, $2.99
Wrigleys Extra Gum, $0.89
**Snickers or M&Ms Candy, B1G1**
B1G1 Snickers Candy Bars (exp Varies)
Final Price= Buy 1 get 3 free ea after coupon
**Crest Toothpaste, $1.88**
$1/1 Crest 3D White Toothpaste (exp 5/31/15) RP 04/12/15
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel (exp 5/30/15) P&G 05/03/15
Final Price= $0.88 ea after coupon
Dove Body Wash, $5.29
$1.50/1 Dove Body Wash (exp 5/31/15) RP 05/03/15 R
$1/1 Dove Body Wash (exp 5/31/15) RP 05/03/15
Final Price= $3.79 ea after coupon
Softsoap Liquid hand Soap, $0.89
**Lady Speed Stick deodorant, $0.89**
$0.50/1 Speed Stick Lady Antiperspirant/Deodorant (exp 5/9/15) SS 04/19/15
$0.50/1 Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick Antiperspirant/Deodorant (exp Varies)
Final Price= $0.39 ea after coupon
Neutrogena Items on sale with a $3/2 in-ad Mfrs Coupon
Seventh generation Products, 30% off
$1/1 Seventh Generation Wipes Package (exp 6/30/15) RP 04/26/15
$2/1 Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent (exp 6/30/15) RP 04/26/15
$1/1 Seventh Generation Dish Liquid (exp 6/30/15) RP 04/26/15
$2/1 Seventh Generation Diapers or Training Pants (exp Varies)
$2/1 Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent (exp Varies)
$1/1 Seventh Generation Dish Soap (exp Varies)
$1/1 Seventh Generation Dish Liquid (exp Varies)
$2/1 Seventh Generation Laundry Detergent or Pack of Diapers (exp Varies)
$2/1 Seventh Generation Liquid Laundry Detergent (exp Varies)
Final Price= Varies after coupon
OGX Shampoo or Condtioner, $5
$3/2 OGX Hair or Body Product (exp 5/15/15) SS 03/15/15
$1/1 OGX Hair or Body Product (exp 5/15/15) SS 03/15/15
Final Price= $3.50 ea WYB 2 after coupon
Herbal Essences shampoo or Conditioner, $4.99
$2/2 Herbal Essences Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler (exp 5/31/15) SS 04/12/15
$3/2 Herbal Essences Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler (exp 5/30/15) P&G 05/03/15
$2/2 Herbal Essences Shampoo, Conditioner, or Styling Products (exp Varies)
Final Price= $3.49 ea WYB 2 after coupon
Aussie Shampoo or Conditioner, $4.99
$2/2 Aussie Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler (exp 5/31/15) SS 04/12/15
Final Price= $3.99ea WYB 2 after coupon
Womens Soft Shell Jackets, 50% off
Misses Casual Dresses or Skirts, $14.99
Junior Dresses, $12.99
Misses Unity Fashion Tunics, $16.99
Misses Perfect Tee or Cami, $6.99
Great northern Indigo & angels Capris, $19.99
Kids Korner Playewar, $3.99
Kids Shorts, 60% off
Great northwest Shirts & Shorts, $9.99
Mens-Womens-kids adidas athletic Shoes, 25% off
Alpha Omega Elite Convertible Car Seat, $94.99
Boys Spalding Girls Marika & RBX Activewear, 60% off
Carters OshKosh Apparel or sleepwear, 60% off
All Kids Sleepwear, 60% off
Mens-Womens-Kids Crocs, 30% off
Nerf Active Sports items, 50% off price
All fashion Wallets, 60% off
Handbags, 60% off
All fashion hats, $9.99
All fashion Scarves, $9.99
Womens cascade Sport jockey or Marika Activewear, 50% off
Bras from Bali-barely there-lily of France-Maidenform-Olga-playtex-vanity Fair-Warners, B1G1
Womens Panties from bali-hanes-Maidenform or vanity fair, B1G1
Bikini Lab junior Swim Seperates, $10
ALL TVs on sale
All KitchenAid Appliances, 25% off
Bath Towels, $3.99
All beach towels, 40% off
Signature Design by Ashley Bailey Cllection(furnuture), 50% off
Area Rugs, 50% off
All Decor Pillows, 40% off
Lego sets, B1G1 40% off,
Select Board Games, 50% off
Mega Blocks, 40% off
Playskool, 50% off
Barbie, 50% off
Get up n go 9×9 Event Canopy, 49.99
All Kitchen Gadgets, B1G1
All Bakeware, B1G1
Open Stock Cutlery, B1G1
PlayDoh, B1G1
Save an Extra 50% off Home Clearance Sale items
Do you know if any of the $1.59 GM cereals overlap with the new ecoupon for $2/2? Also good deal on the breyers today and tomorrow with the $0.50/1 ecoupon making them $2 🙂 and hopefully the dreyers custard will be part of the $2.50 deal next week making them $1.50 with the ecoupon 🙂
the picture shows cheerios and cocoa puffs…but the text says selected varieties. thats a good deal for breyers…i missed that ecoupon! thqanks
I got excited when I saw the cereal e-coupon also, but it looks like the sizes don’t match up. The coupon is for bigger sizes than what’s on sale for $1.59. Bummer!
You have fashion scarfs down as $0.99 instead of $9.99. I was about to go scarf crazy until I checked the ad. haha! 🙂
im SOOOO sorry! i try to double check every price i type up. 🙁
No worries at all! You always do any amazing job! Just thought I’d help you out! 🙂
Softsoap bodywash is $2.99 and there was a $1.50/1 coupon and it’s part of the same cat as irish spring you get $2 OYNO WYB 2. So I think that works out to $0.49 each net. Now if only those cat machines would ever go back online at my store!