Grocery Deals

FREE Lays Stax Chips plus Other Great deals @ Fred Meyer

So FREE is a great price.  Especially when its an easy FREE item.  The Free item is the Lays Stax Chips. They are like a Pringles knock off…hehe, but they have been around awhile, and odds are wont be going anywhere soon.  All we need to do is load the Digital coupon for this item, and for some other items, and we get these great deals!  Perhaps you have seen this deal elsewhere in our area, and of course you tried it and it DIDN’T work…Don’t worry, Ill show you how to load them below. 🙂

Deal Details

  • The Lays Stax Chips are $1 each through5/28/16
    • There is a $1/1 Lays Stax Chip Kroger Digital Coupon LIMIT 5!!
  • The Sunchips and Fritos are $2(or $1.88 with in-ad coupon) through 5/28/16
    • There is a $1/1 Sun Chips/Frito Kroger Digital Coupon LIMIT 5!!
  • The Pepperidge Farm Cookies are $2.49 through 5/28/16
    • There is a $1/1 Pepperidge Farm Kroger Digital Coupon LIMIT 5!!


So it appears Fred Meyer and QFC have taken off the above Digital Coupons for out area.  BUT that is ok.  We can actually load them off the Main Kroger Website to our cards, and they come off Perfectly at Fred Meyer!  First we need to log in to our Fred Meyer account, Click HERE to log in. LEAVE that browser tab open.  Open up/Create another Browser tab, and Click HERE to load up Kroger Digital Coupons.  Choose the “snack” category on the left hand side.  You will then see All the above Digital Coupons that you can “Load to Card!”  Once you click on that, they are loaded and you are ready to go and use these!!  The way “USE UP TO FIVE TIMES” works, is if you buy 1-5 items in a single transaction, but thats it.  A single transaction. You can’t buy 2 on one transaction, and another 3 on a separate transactions.  Its a one shot digital coupon.  Hopefully your store has some of these.  One store I went to did not.  One store was loaded.  Also I bought the Pepperidge Farm Soft Oatmeal Raisin Cookies for $1.49 because its a great deal for these, and I really like them! And as Cookie mentioned the other day in the comments on the Main Fred Meyer thread, Sunchips for $1 is a Great deal. 🙂

Buy a (or up to 5) Lays Stax Chips, $5(for 5)
-$5 Use a $1/1 Lays Stax Chip Kroger Digital Coupon LIMIT 5!!
Final Price=FREE after Digital Coupon

Buy a (or up to 5) Sun Chips, $2
-$1 Use a $1/1 Sun Chips/Frito Kroger Digital Coupon LIMIT 5!!
Final Price=$1 after Digital Coupon

Buy a (or up to 5) Pepperidge Farm Cookies, $2.49
-$1 Use a $1/1 Pepperidge Farm Kroger Digital Coupon LIMIT 5!!
Final Price=$1.49 after Digital Coupon


View Comments

  • I forget. To use a digital coupon and an in-ad coupon you have to do it in the right order or it won't work, right? I'm going to guess you should scan the in-ad coupon for the Sun Chips first, then enter your FM card to get the digital savings on top of the sale price.

    • yes. i scanned my card first, then tried the in-ad coupon, and the in-ad coupon said "no matching item", and didnt work. So im assuming its the other way around. :-) (or they fixed it)

  • Scan your card last. I did it earlier this week no problems :) Also, since QFC now takes those in-ad coupons, use the coupon there (they price override!) and it doesn't matter when your card is scanned. And the cheetos are $1.88 there (WYB3) which is also part of the $1/1 digital coupon :)

  • On people are complaining that the digital coupon will not work when combined with the WYB3 promo so it probably won't work at QFC either. I'll take my chances at Fred Meyer and scan my card last. Love the Savingstar deal Cookie!

  • i was just notcing that too Darla! What a pain! Looks like the WYB3 price is put in as a store coupon and the system doesn't like 2 store coupons :S

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