Wow! I guess I did not initially realize how good of a coupon that Weight Watchers Coupon is. If you look at the coupon it reads, “Weight Watchers branded product”, and on the coupon is a picture yoplait, boca, and weight watchers… I googled “Weight Watchers branded product” and this is a nice picture of all the Weight Watchers branded items..
So we can see Soup and Canned Veggies and Yogurt and …. LOTS of things!! Suddenly that $0.75/1 Weight Watchers branded product coupon is looking REALLY good. 🙂 Remember, print tonight and hopefully we get a RESET tomorrow!!!! 🙂
Deal Details
- The Yoplait Greek Yogurt is $1 regular price
- We have the NEW $0.75 off Any One (1) Weight Watchers product Coupon
- We can double that coupon(at most stores
- The Green Giant Frozen Veggie are $1.67
- Progresso Soups are $2.49
- Green Giant Canned Veggie are $1.99
This coupon surprisingly works perfectly! The coupon scans without beeping!! 🙂
Buy Yoplait Greek Yogurt, $1
-$0.75 Use a $0.75 off Any One (1) Weight Watchers product Coupon
-$0.25 Use a double Coupon
Final Price=FREE after coupon and double
As you can see, other items that carry the “Weight Watchers Points” Symbol. After double, close to FREE. NEXT WEEK some of these items are FREE! 🙂
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