
New $1/1 Oroweat Bread Coupon + $1.49 Deal @ Safeway

WOW! What a nice coupon.  If you buy bread this is a coupon to print.  Here are a few reasons why. 1) You can print 4 per computer! 2) This coupon will reset tomorrow night or Wednesday(hurry and print it)=4 MORE prints.  3) This coupon expires 12/31/15! SO we have all year to use it.  Those are some good reasons. 🙂

Deal Details


So since we have all year, using this coupon, you should not have to pay for than $1.50 for this bread.  Which is a VERY good price for oroweat.  Again print as many coupons as you can as this coupon is good ALL year! 🙂

Safeway through 4/14
Buy a Oroweat Bread(All varieties), $2.99
-$1 Use a $1/1 Arnold, Brownberry, or Oroweat bread Coupon
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$1.49 after coupon and double


Fred Meyer through 4/4
Buy a Oroweat Bread(Select varieties), $2.50
-$1 Use a $1/1 Arnold, Brownberry, or Oroweat bread Coupon
Final Price=$1.50 after coupon

(I bought mine at Safeway this morning)
New $1/1 Oroweat Bread Coupon + $1.49 Deal @ Safeway

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