Categories: Grocery DealsSafeway

Safeway Deal Summary 4/24 — 4/30

Here is a nice sneak preview of the this next weeks coming ad cycle, 4/24-4/30 at Safeway. There are 4 FREE Things next week!!!  We get Double Coupons here in the Portland, Oregon area. These are found in the weekly ads, and they allow you to double a Manufacturer Coupon up to $0.50 “extra” cents. I’ve listed the coupons and deals below that are double-able. If you happen to live in non-double land, just add the $0.50 back to the Final Price.

If any new coupons come up in the next few days, I’ll keep this list updated! I have marked some of the better deals with a **

Some of the new deals below are marked with “coupons may not stack” You cannot stack a Manufacturer coupon and a Digital Manufacturer Coupon. But you CAN stack a Manufacturer coupon with a Digital Store Coupon. There is not way to tell in advance which the digital J4U coupons are going to be, so I noted that below. Hopefully the deals will work as listed.


$5 Friday (or throughout entire weekend when the following deal are added via J4U)

Country Fried Chicken 8 piece dark meat, $5

Florida’s Orange Juice 89oz, $5

5lb box clementines, $5

Safeway Farms Bratwurst 32oz, $5

Bertolli Dinner for two, $5
$1/1 Bertolli Meal for 2, 24 oz
Final Price=$4 after coupon

Nature Valley Chewy Granola Bars, 3/$5
$0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, 5 ct+, Granola Thins, 03/24/13 SS
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$1.33 each wyb 3 after coupon and double

Starkist Solid White Tuna 5oz or 2.6pouch, $1

Nabisco Snak-Saks, 4/$5

Pepsi 24pk, $5

Safeway Meat & Seafood Deals

Eating Right Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts-Extreme Value pack $1.99/lb

Ranchers Reserve Beef Chuck 7 Bone Pot Roast, $2.99/lb

Assorted Pork Loin Chops-Extreme Value pack $1.99/lb

Extra Jumbo Frozen Shrimp(2lb bag), $6.99/lb

80/20 Ground Beef, Extreme Value pack, $2.69/lb

Hormel Black Label Bacon, B1G1

Tyson Breaded Chicken, B1G1
$0.75/1 Tyson Chicken Nuggets 02/24/2013 SS Insert (exp 04/30/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
**Final Price=$7.54 for 2 bags after coupon and double**

Weight Watchers All Natural Chicken, B1G1

Foster Farms Grilled Chicken Strips, B1G1

Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunch meat 16oz, $3.99

Foster Farms Franks 3lb, $3.99

Tony Roma Baby Back Ribs, $7.99

Eating Right Turkey Burgers 32oz, $7.99

Ranchers Reserve Beef Ripeye Steak, $7.99/lb

Pork Shoulder Blade Steak, $2.99/lb

Johnsonville Smoked Sausage, $2.99 each
$0.75/1 Johnsonville Smoked or Cooked Sausage All You, March 2013 (exp 05/31/2013)
Final Price=$1.74 each after coupon and double

Oscar Mayer Meat Bologna or Turkey Lunchmeat 16oz, $2.50

Boneless Beef Round Sirloin Tip Roast, $3.99

Boneless Beef Top Sirloin Steak, $4.99

Fresh Whole Boneless Pork Tenderloin, $3.99/lb

Boneless Beef Chuck Cross Rib Roast, $3.99/lb

Foster Farms Fresh Whole Chicken, $1.69/lb

Ball Park Beef Franks, $3.99

Hillshire Farms Gourmet Creations, $3.99
$0.75/2 Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage Products 03/24/2013 RP Insert (exp 05/05/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$3.37 after coupon and double

Gortons Seafood Selections, $3.49
$1/1 Gorton’s Skillet Crisp Item
$1/1 Gorton’s Simple Bake Item
$0.75/1 Gorton’s Grilled Item
Final Price=$2.49 each after coupon(if included)

Land O Frost Bistro Lunchmeat 6oz, $2.50
$0.55/1 Land O’Frost Premium, Bistro or DeliShaved Lunchmeat
Final Price=$1.95 each after coupon

Johnsonville Breakfast Sausage or links 12oz, $3.50
$0.75/1 Johnsonville Breakfast Sausage All You, March 2013 (exp 05/31/2013) 03/14/2013
$0.75/1 Johnsonville Breakfast Sausage
$0.75/1 Johnsonville Breakfast Sausage 03/17/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/31/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$2.25 after coupon and double

**Cacique Chorizo 10oz, $0.99**

Oscar Mayer Thick Sliced Bacon, $6.99 with $3 J4U E-Coupon

Safeway Vegetable & Fruit Deals

1/lb Strawberries, B1G1

**Fresh Express Salads, $1**
$0.55/1 Fresh Express Salad 03/10/2013 SS Insert (exp 06/10/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=FREE

Fuji or Braeburn Apples, $0.99/lb

Safeway Farms Peeled Baby Cut Carrots, $0.99

3lb Bag Safeway Bag Fuji-Red Delicious, $3 in-ad coupon

Cara Cara Oranges, $0.99/lb

Red Grapefruit, $0.99/lb

Safeway Frozen Deals

Freschetta pizza, $4.49in-ad coupon

Red Baron Best Pizza, $4.49 in-ad coupon

Red Baron Pizza, $2.99

Breyers Ice Cream, $2.99

Safeway Bakery Deals

Safeway Oven Joy Bread, $0.99

Franz Bagels, $2.50

Safeway Dairy & Cheese Deals

Lucerne Chunk or Shredded Cheese 32oz, $5.99

Fage Greek Yogurt, $1

Buy $10 worth of Lucerne Products Save $2
All Lucerne prodcuts excluding gallon Sized Milks

Safeway Deals

refreshe Water 24pk 16.9oz bottles, $3.33

Folgers 27-33oz, $7.99

Tostitos Torilla Chips, $2.50

Ruffles Potato Chips, $2.50

Tide Detergent 50oz, $5.99
$0.40/1 Tide Detergent, Tide Boost, Downy, or Bounce 03/31/2013 P&G
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$5.19 after coupon and double

30% off ALL Wines+10% more wyb 6

Post Honey Bunches of Oats, B2G1 in-ad coupon

Buy 8 Gerber 2pk, Get 2 Free Gerber Pouches, in-ad Coupon

**Land O Lakes Saute Express, $1.99 with $1 J4U E-Coupon**if it stacks
$0.75/1 Land O’Lakes Saute Express Starter
$0.75/1 Land O’Lakes Saute Express Starter All You, March 2013 (exp 06/30/2013) 03/14/2013
$0.75/1 Land O Lakes Saute Express 04/14/2013 SS Insert (exp 06/30/2013)
$1/1 Land O’ Lakes Saute Express Saute Starter
$1/1 Land O Lakes Saute Express Saute Starter
$1/1 Land O’ Lakes Saute Express Saute Starter
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.49 after coupon and double

Lean Cuisine meals, $2.00 with $0.50 J4U E-Coupon
$1/3 Lean Cuisine 03/03/2013 RP Insert (exp 06/03/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$1.33 each wyb 3 after coupon and double

Best Foods Mayonnaise, $2.49 with $0.50 J4U E-Coupon

Wish Bone Salad Dressings, $0.99 with $0.50 J4U E-Coupon

Dixie Plates or Bowls, $1.99 with $0.50 J4U E-Coupon

**Clorox Bleach, $1.99**
$0.75/1 Clorox Product (exp 05/01/2013)
Final Price=$1.24 after coupon

Huggies Value pack, $4.00 off in ad coupon
$2/1 Huggies Little Movers Slip On Diapers (exp 05/06/2013)
$1.50/1 Huggies Diapers Jumbo Pack (exp 05/06/2013)
$2/1 Huggies Little Movers, LIttle Snugglers, or Overnites Diapers 04/21/2013 SS
$1.50/1 Huggies Diapers 04/21/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/18/2013)
$2/1 Huggies Little Movers Slip On Diapers, share and increase value to $2.50
$1/1 Huggies Little Swimmers Disposable Swimpants
$2/1 Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants , Jumbo Pack+
Final Price=Up to $6 off per box

Pampers Giant Pack, $4.00 off in ad coupon
$2/1 Pampers Easy Ups Trainers, excludes trial/travel size
$1.50/1 Pampers Cruisers Diapers, excludes trial/travel size
$1.50/1 Pampers Swaddlers Diapers, excludes trial/travel size
$1.50/1 Pampers Baby Dry Diapers, excludes trial sizes
Final Price=$29.99 after coupon

**Clorox Cleaners, $2.49 in-ad coupon**
$1.50/1 Clorox Clean-Up, Formula 409 or Tilex Spray Products
$0.75/1 Clorox Product (exp 05/01/2013)
Final Price=$0.99 after coupon

Crest 3D toothpaste, $2.99 in-ad coupon
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste, excludes Cavity, Baking Soda, and Tartar 03/31/2013 P&G
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$1.49 after coupon and double

Colgate Optic White Toothbrush, $2.99 in-ad coupon
$1/1 Colgate Optic White, Total Advanced or Sensitive Pro-Relief, 4 oz+ 04/14/13 SS
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$1.49 after coupon and double

Doritos, B1G1

Ritz Crackers, $2.50

Kettle Chips 8oz, $3
$1/1 Kettle Brand Potato Chips, 8 oz+ (exp 06/30/2013)
Final Price=$2 after coupon

Rockstar Drinks, $1.50

Lays Kettle Chips, $1.99 in-ad coupon

Rold Gold Preztels, $1.99 in-ad coupon

Starbucks 4pk Frappuccino or Doubleshot, $3.99 in-ad coupon

Kraft Mac & Cheese, $0.89

Betty Crocker Cake Mix, $0.99 in-ad coupon

Guerrero Soft Flour tortillas 10ct, $2.19 in-ad coupon

Del Monte Canned Veggies, $0.79
$0.50/4 Del Monte Green Beans, 14.5 oz 03/17/2013 SS Insert (exp 06/15/2013)
Final Price=$0.66 each wyb 4 after coupon

Bushs Baked Beans, $2

General Mills Cheerios-Trix-Golden Graham Cereals, $1.99 in-ad coupon
$1/2 General Mills Cheerios Cereals, Original, Honey Nut, Multi-Grain, Multi-Grain Peanut Butter, Apple Cinnamon, Frosted, Chocolate, Banana Nut, Cinnamon Burst, Fruity, Yogurt Burst, Dulce de Leche, Medley Crunch
$0.50/1 General Mills Original Cheerios Cereal, the one in the yellow box
$1/3 General Mills Big G Cereals 04/21/2013 SS Insert (exp 06/01/2013)
$0.60/1 General Mills Original Cheerios Cereal, the one in the yellow box
$1/2 General Mills Big G Cereals 03/24/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/14/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$1.24 after coupon and double

International Delight Coffee, $3.59
$0.75/1 International Delight Iced Coffee, Half-Gallon
$1/1 Interntional Delight Iced Coffee, Half Gallon
Final Price=$2.59 after coupon

Kraft Singles 16oz, $3.99 in-ad coupon

Baileys Coffee Creamer 32oz, $2.79 in-ad coupon
$1/2 Bailey’s Coffee Creamers, non-alcoholic 04/14/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/31/2013)
Final Price=$2.29 after coupon

Safeway $0.99 Deals

Plum Organic Baby Food pouches, $0.99

Clif Bars, $0.99

Powerbars, $0.99

500ml Safeway Mouthwash, $0.99

**4.6oz Crest Toothpaste, $0.99**
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste, excludes Cavity, Baking Soda, and Tartar 03/31/2013 P&G Insert (exp 04/30/2013)
Final Price=FREE after coupon

20 ct Carefree Pantiliners, $0.99

7.5oz Dial Liquid Handsoap, $0.99

15oz V05 Shampoo or Conditioner, $0.99

.15oz Blistex Lip Balm, $0.99

Rosarita Refried Beans, $0.99

Hunts Canned Diced Tomatoes, $0.99

Hunts Pasta Sauce, $0.99

**Maruchan Yakisoba, $0.99**
$0.50/1 Maruchan Bowl or Yakisoba 02/10/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/31/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=FREE after coupon and double

**Nissin Chow Mein, $0.99**Cheap price for these
$1/3 Nissin Chow Mein or Chow Noodles 03/03/2013 SS Insert (exp 06/02/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.49 each after coupon and double

Chef Boyardee, $0.99
$0.50/4 Chef Boyardee, Canned or Microwave Pasta 04/07/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/19/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.74 each wyb 4 after coupon and double

Hunts Snack Pudding, $0.99
$0.50/4 Hunt’s Snack Pack Pudding 04/07/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/19/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.74 each wyb 4 after coupon and double

Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice, $0.99

Las Palmas Enchilada Sauce, $0.99

JELL-O Pudding Mix, $0.99

Kleenex Facial Tissue, $0.99

Pantry Essentials Bath Tissue, $0.99

Palmolive Dish Detergent 10oz, $0.99

**Dawn Dish Detergent, $0.99**
$0.50/1 Dawn Hand Renewal, Power Clean, Bleach Alternative, or Oxi 03/31/13 P&G
$0.25/1 Dawn 03/31/2013 P&G Insert (exp 04/30/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=FREE if variety is included

Hersheys Theater Candy, $0.99

Comet Cleansers, $0.99

Balance bar, $0.99
$1/2 Balance Bar Singles (exp 07/31/2013)
Final Price=$0.49 each wyb 2 after coupon

Larabar bars, $0.99
$0.75/3 Larabar, Uber, or Jocalat Bars
$0.85/3 Larabar, Uber, or Jocalat Bars (exp 05/10/2013)
Final Price=$0.71 each wyb 3 after coupon

Simply Single Serve Juices, $0.99

Pillsbury Grands Biscuit, $0.99
$0.40/2 Pillsbury Sweet Rolls or Grands! Sweet Rolls 03/24/2013 SS
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Grands! Biscuits 03/24/2013 SS Insert (exp 06/15/2013)
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Grands! 02/24/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/18/2013)
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Grands! 02/24/2013 SS Insert (exp 05/18/2013)
$0.40/2 Pillsbury Sweet Rolls or Grands! Sweet Rolls 02/03/2013 SS (exp 04/27)
$0.30/2 Pillsbury Grands! Refrigerated Biscuits 02/03/2013 SS (exp 04/27)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.69 each after coupon

Mothers Day Gift Card Offer-Get $10 OYNP wyb $50 Selected Gift Cards


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