Categories: Grocery DealsSafeway

Safeway Deal Summary 6/12 — 6/18

Here is a nice preview of the this next weeks coming ad cycle, 6/12-6/18 at Safeway. The June Dairy Promotion is still going on. We get Double Coupons here in the Portland, Oregon area. These are found in the weekly ads, and they allow you to double a Manufacturer Coupon up to $0.50 “extra” cents. I’ve listed the coupons and deals below that are double-able. If you happen to live in non-double land, just add the $0.50 back to the Final Price. Also some of these coupons expire soon, or will have a reset after the first of the month, so printing now may be a good thing!

If any new coupons come up in the next few days, I’ll keep this list updated! I have marked some of the better deals with a **

Some of the new deals below are marked with “coupons may not stack” You cannot stack a Manufacturer coupon and a Digital Manufacturer Coupon. But you CAN stack a Manufacturer coupon with a Digital Store Coupon. There is not way to tell in advance which the digital J4U coupons are going to be, so I noted that below. Hopefully the deals will work as listed.

$5 Friday

Floridas Natural Orange Juice, $5

3lb Strawberries, $5

Johnsonville Brats 26oz, $5

2lb BallPark Beef Franks, $5

**Tidy Cats 20lb Litter, $5**
$1/1 Purina Tidy Cats Cat Litter, 14 lb+ 04/28/2013 SS
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$3.50 after coupon and double

Safeway apple Juice 64oz, 3/$5

Maxwell House 31oz, $5

**General Mills Cereal -peanut butter/fruity cheerios, 3/$5**
$0.75/1 General Mills Multi Grain Cheerios Peanut Butter Cereal
Final Price=$0.91 after coupon

Safeway Meat & Seafood Deals

Ranchers Reserve Beef Ribeye steak, $5.99/lb

Ranchers Reserve Beef Loin T-Bone Steak, $6.99

Foster Farms Whole Chicken, $0.88/lb

Jimmy Dean Rolls, $2.99

Ball park Beef Franks, $2.99

Hormel Natural Choice Lunch meat, B1G1
$1/2 Hormel Natural Choice Deli Sandwich Meat (exp 07/10/2013)
Final Price=Varies

Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs, $1.49/lb

**Oscar Mayer Bologna, $1.66**
$0.75/2 Oscar Mayer Classic Beef Franks or Wieners 04/28/2013 SS (exp 06/16/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=

There is also a Catalina Promotion for these;
6/01/2013 – 7/03/2013
Buy 3 = $2.00
Buy 4 = $3.00
Buy 5 = $4.00

So Buy 4 Oscar Mayer Bologna =$6.64
-$2 Use 2 x $0.75/2 Oscar Mayer Classic Beef Franks or Wiener
-$1 Use 2 doubles
Final Price=$3.64 and get back a $3 OYNP Cat, so 4 for $0.64!! NET (or $0.16 each!)

Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken Breast, $3.50

Foster Farm Grilled Chicken Breast Strips, $1.99 in ad coupon

Hillshire Farm Lunchmeat 8oz, $2.99 in-ad coupon
$1/1 Hillshire Farm Lunchmeat
Final Price=$1.99 after coupons

Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage 13-16oz, $2.49 in- ad coupon
$1/1 Hillshire Farm Smoked Sausage coupon 5/12 RP
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.49 after coupon and double

Buy $35 worth of Ranchers Reserve Meat, get a $5 OYNP Catalina

Oscar Mayer bacon 12oz, $3.99 with J4U e-coupon

Safeway Vegetable & Fruit Deals

Fresh Express Salad Blends, $1.99

**White or Yellow Corn, 4/$1**

Safeway Dairy & Cheese Deals

Kraft Natural Slices, B1G1(part of June Dairy promo)

Liberte greek Yogurt, $1
4/$1 Liberte Greek or Liberte Mediterranee Yogurt
Final Price=$0.75 each wyb 4 after coupon

Sargento Shredded Cheese, $2.50(part of June Dairy promo)

**Muller Corner or Frutup Yogurt, FREE with J4U e-coupon**

Safeway Bakery & Bread Deals

Thomas English Muffins, B1G1

Safeway Frozen Deals

Lean Cuisine, $1.99
$1/4 Lean Cuisine Varieties
Final Price=$1.75 each wyb 4 after coupon

El Monterey Burrtos, $2.99 in ad coupon
$1/1 El Monterey Taquitos and Mini Chimis
Final Price=$1.99 after coupons

Lean Cuisine Salad Additions, $2.50

Skinny Cow Frozen Novelties, $3.49 with J4U e-Coupon

Other Safeway Deals

Special K Cereals, $2.50
$0.50/1 Kellogg’s Special K Multi-Grain Cereal, 12 oz (exp 07/10/2013)
$0.50/1 Kellogg’s Special K Red Berries Cereal, 11.2 oz+ (exp 07/10/2013)
$1/3 Kellogg’s Special K Cereals, 11+ oz 05/05/2013 RP (exp 06/16/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$2 each after coupon

Doritos or Lays, Buy 2 Get 2 Free

**Jolly Time Popcorn, $2**
$1/2 Jolly Time microwave pop corn, boxes 05/19/2013 SS Insert (exp 06/30/2013)
$0.50/1 Jolly Time, microwave popcorn 05/19/2013 SS Insert (exp 06/30/2013)
$1/1 Jolly Time Healthy Pop Popcorn
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$1 each after coupon

Oreo Cookies, $2.50

Cheeze Nips, $1.49 in ad coupon
$0.75/2 Nabisco Snack Crackers Coupon 5/19 SS
Final Price= $1.13 each wyb 2 after coupon

Hefty Slider Bags, $1.50
$1/2 Hefty Slider Bags (exp 07/03/2013)
$1/2 Hefty Slider Bags (exp 07/10/2013)
$1/2 Hefty Slider Bags, 12+ count 05/05/2013 RP Insert (exp 08/31/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.75 each after coupon and double

Capri-sun Drinks, $1.99
Use the $1/1 Ibotta rebate (limit 1)
Final Price= $0.99 after ibotta rebate

Ragu pasta Sauce, $1.25

Bulls Eye BBQ Sauce, $0.99

Jack Daniel BBQ Sauce, $0.99

Folgers K-Cups, $6.99
$1.50/1 Folgers Gourmet Selections K-Cup packs (exp 07/03/2013)
$1/2 Folgers 06/02/2013 RP Insert (exp 07/06/2013)
$1.50/1 Folgers Product
Final Price=$5.49 after coupon

Pop tarts, $1.49 in ad coupon
$1.00/3 Kellogg’s Pop Tart and/or Mini Crisps 05/19/2013 RP
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.99 each wyb 3 after coupons and double

**Barilla Pasta, $0.88 in ad coupon**
$1/2 Barilla Whole Grain Pasta (exp 07/03/2013)
$1/2 Barilla Whole Grain Pasta (exp 07/10/2013)
$0.55/2 Barilla Pasta 05/19/2013 SS Insert (exp 07/13/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.36 wyb 2 after coupons and double

Kens Salad Dressings, B1G1

Kelloggs Special K Bars, $1.79
$0.70/1 Kellogg’s Special K Nourish Bars, 5 ct+ (exp 07/10/2013)
$1/3 Kellogg’s Special K Cereal Bars , 5+ count 05/05/2013 RP (exp 06/16/2013)
$1.50/2 Kellogg’s Special K Protein Meal Bars, Snack Bars, 4+ count 05/05/2013 RP (exp 06/16/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$1.29 each wyb 3 after coupon and double

Kelloggs Frosted flakes or raisin Bran, $2.50 with J4U e-coupon(limit 1)
$1/3 Kellogg’s Apple Jacks,Corn Pops,Froot Loops,Honey Smacks, Frosted Flakes
$1/2 Kellogg’s All-Bran, Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran Cereals
$1/3 Kellogg’s Cereals, 10+ oz 06/02/2013 RP Insert (exp 07/14/2013)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$2.33 each wyb 3 after coupons and double

Welch’s Essentials Grape Juice, $1.79 with J4U e-coupon

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes 75ct, $4 with J4U e-coupon
$1/2 Clorox Disinfecting Wipes Products, 35 ct+
Final Price=$3.75 each wyb 2 after coupons

Buy 1 Wheat Thins Get 1 FREE PLUS 12pk reFreshe Soda, $0

Spend $75 get a $10 OYNO Coupon


View Comments

  • What I am wondering is the Spend $75 get a $10 OYNO, and then there is a Father's Day Ranchers Reserve beef promotion of spend $35 and get $5 OYNO or spend $75 and get $15 OYNO. So if I were to spend $75 on Ranchers Reserve beef in one transacton would I trigger both the $10 and the $15 cats?

    • Great Question! I would say my gut would say yes. But i dont know 100%. Here is a nice tip regarding JUST the meat Cat. The %off clearance stickers work in your favor. If i bought(just for an example) a $35 ranchers reserve roast, and there was a %50 sticker on it, i would pay $17.50 for the roast AND get the $5 Cat. The Meat CAT "survives" the markdown.

      Now is most every case the $75/$10 Cats from fathers days and the like, are VERY hard promos to get. They exclude SO much, and most the time even if you do legit spend $75, only %50 of the time will you even get it. I dont usually try for those. But i dont want o discourage you from trying.

      Its no problem for me, but if you are also brave(and have the means), try it for testing purposes. Go get $75 worth of meat, so clearance stickers, tell them ahead of time you are just testing and you will be putting the meat back, pay with VISA(not debit). if it doesnt work, CS can return the money RIGHT back to your card(24 hours). If it does work, CS can return the money RIGHT back to your card(24 hours), and plus you know it works. :-)

  • Thank you for the tips, today I tried it and the Cats did stack. For the first time ever I considered the markdown meat while doing a deal, not much selection only one package of beef the rest was pork and wouldn't qualify for the Father's Day promoion. Ended up getting sirloin tip steaks and a brisket that I had ground into hamburger (the hamburger already ground is not Ranchers Reserve) also I like my burger from one piece of meat. Breakdown came out to $3.23 a pound for very nice beef. The freezer is full for now and I have $25 in Cats to spend on other grocery's. Love spending money twice!

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