Grocery Deals

Safeway Weekly Deal Summary 3/23– 3/29 – Monopoly Promo

Safeway Weekly Deal Summary 3/23– 3/29 - Monopoly Promo

Here is a nice look at the NEXT Safeway Weekly Deal Summary 3/23– 3/29 – Monopoly Promo. 🙂 Here are the list of current deals on the (mostly) complete ad. AGAIN these deals are for 3/23-3/29! 🙂 Check out all the deals this week, I may have missed some, there were many! 🙂

Over the Next 3 Months we can play the New Monopoly Promotion. You check the details of the promo there! Each week there will be a new set of items that will give a Bonus Game piece. I have marked those items below with a (*MGP*)!

Also a NEW(ish) Note regarding doubling internet coupons.I have gotten feedback about 2 stores not doubling printables(St Helens, a Vancouver store, and Im still working on it!..and maybe the 70th and Sandy store) MCMINVILLE is now officially allowing doubling the printable coupons. I had a chat with the Woodburn store AND assistant manager, and they now officially are allowing doubling the printable coupons!

We have a some Great Deals this week! We have Cheap Nabisco Snack Crackers(FRIDAY ONLY), Cheap Hefty Storage Bags(FRIDAY ONLY), Cheap Mezzetta Pepper 16oz(FRIDAY ONLY), Cheap Skippy baking Cups(FRIDAY ONLY), Cheap Hillshire Farm Cocktail Smokies, Cheap Farmer John Bacon, Cheap Sweet Strawberries 2lb, Cheap Yoplait Yogurt, Cheap Reddi whip cream topping, Cheap Tillamook Ice Cream or gelato or novelties, Cheap Best Foods Mayo, Cheap Nabisco chips ahoy cookies, Cheap Nabisco Ritz Crackers, Cheap Jet Puffed marshmallows, Cheap French French fried onions or crispy jalapenos, Cheap C&H Brown or powdered sugar 2pound, Cheap C&H granulated sugar 4pound, Cheap chicken of the sea pink Salmon pouch , Cheap Claussen Pickles, Cheap Arm n Hammer cat litter, FREE Bounty basic paper towel, Cheap Colgate toothpaste and Cheap edge shave gel!

We(generally) get Double Coupons here in the Portland, Oregon area. These are found in the weekly ads, and they allow you to double a Manufacturer Coupon up to $0.50 “extra” cents. You can NOT(?) double a printable coupon, so if you see a deal below with both a paper coupon and a printable, if i mention you can double, its to double the paper coupon, not the printable. I’ve listed the coupons and deals below that are double-able. If you happen to live in non-double land, just add the $0.50 back to the Final Price. Also some of these coupons expire soon, or will have a reset after the first of the month, so printing now may be a good thing!

If any new coupons come up in the next few days, I’ll keep this list updated! I have marked some of the better deals with a **

$5 Friday(ONLY Friday now!!!)

Primo Taglio pan roasted turkey breast, $5/lb

Chicken Tenders(*MGP*), $5/lb

Open Nature Lamb loin chops or semi boneless leg, $5/lb

Mystic Treat Grapes 2lb, $5

Lucerne Chunk or shred 2lb, $5

Quaker cereal, 3/$5(or $1.67)

Qauker dipp bars, 3/$5(or $1.67)

Quaker Canister Oats, 3/$5(or $1.67)

Hostess Bagged Donuts, 3/$5(or $1.67)

Asian Express meals, $5

Motts Apple Sauce, 3/$5(or $1.67)

Tostitos Cantina, 3/$5(or $1.67)

**Nabisco Snack Crackers, 3/$5(or $1.67)**
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products (exp 4/23/16) SS 03/20/16
Mobile Bonuses( 51$1/2 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.00 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

**Hefty Storage Bags, 5/$5(or $1.00)**
$1/2 Hefty Slider Bags (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.25ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

**Mezzetta Pepper 16oz, 5/$5(or $1.00)**

7up 24pks, $5

Green mountain bag, $5

Donut shop kcups, $5

Tullys Kcups or bag, $5

Simply Orange or fruit juice, 2/$5(or $2.50)

Signature Kitchens Broth, 4/$5(or $1.25)

**Skippy baking Cups, 4/$5(or $1.25)**These are this price everyday
$0.55/1 Skippy Peanut Butter (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.20 after coupon and double

Swanson Broth-can, 10/$5(or $0.50)

Libbys canned Veggie, 10/$5(or $0.50)

mom to mom wipes, $5

Signature Home bath tissue 12 roll or Paper towels 6ct,$5

Safeway Meat & Seafood Deals

USDA Choice Beef rib eye roast, $5.77/lb with in-ad coupon

Fresh 93/7 ground beef, $2.99 with in-ad coupon

Hills smoked Shank or butt portion ham, $1.37/lb

Fresh alaskan halibut fillets, $16.99/lb

Hormel cure 81 half spiral ham, $1.67/lb

Fresh Boneless Chicken Breast or thighs, $1.99/lb

Jimmy Dean breakfast sausage, $2.99
$0.55/1 Jimmy Dean Breakfast Product (exp 4/17/16) RP 03/20/16
Mobile Bonuses( IB$1/1 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.94 after coupon and double

Fresh Boneless pork loin roast, $2.99/lb

Open Nature ground Turkey, $5

Hills Double Smoked or peppered bacon, $3.99

Pork Shoulder Blade roast, $1.99/lb

USDA Choice Beef top round london broil, $4.99/lb

USDA Choice Beef boneless bottom round roast, $5.99/lb

Fresh Ground beef 93/7, $3.99/lb

Assorted Loin Pork Chops, $2.49/lb

USDA Choice Beef boneless tenderloin steak, $15.99/lb

Extra Meaty Pork Loin back ribs, $3.49/lb

USDA Choice Beef rib eye steak, $9.99/lb

JennieO fresh turkey, $1.99/lb

Whole Pork Tenderloin, $3.99/lb

OPen Nature Lamb Shoulder blade chops, $4.59/lb

Open Nature Lamb loin Chops, $7.99/lb

Alaskan King Crab Legs, $19.99/lb

Dungeness Crab, $7.99/lb

Fresh Ahi Tuna, $17.99/lb

Sockeye Salmon Fillets, $7.99/lb

Extra Jumbo Raw Shrimp, $6.99/lb

Fresh Atlantic Salmon Fillets, $6.99/lb

Fresh Pacific Rockfish, $6.99/lb

Tilapia filets, $2.99/lb

Lobster Tails, $4.99

van de kamps breaded seafood, $3.50

**Hillahire Farm Cocktail Smokies, $1.99**
$0.55 off 1 package of Hillshire Farm Litl Smokies Coupon
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.94 after coupon and double

Signature farms Bacon, $3.99

**Farmer John Bacon, $3.69**
$0.75/1 Farmer John Bacon (exp 5/13/16) SS 03/13/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.44 after coupon and double

Farmer john sausage links, $1.67
$1/2 Farmer John Breakfast Sausage (exp 5/13/16) SS 03/13/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.92ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Oscar Mayer bacon, $3.99

Johnsonville Dinner sausage, $4.99
$1/2 Johnsonville Sausage (exp 3/28/16) SS 01/24/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $4.24ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Nathans Famous Beef Franks, $4.99
$1/1 Nathans Famous Cheddar Beef Franks (exp Varies)
$1/2 Nathans Famous Beef Franks (exp Varies)
$1/1 Nathan’s Famous Beef Franks (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $3.49 after coupon and double

al fresco chicken Sausage, $3.99
$1/1 Al fresco (exp Varies)
$1/1 Al Fresco Product (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.49 after coupon and double

Open nature grass fed boneless chuck roast, $7.99/lb

Hormel Natural Choice lunchmeat, $3.99
$0.50/1 HORMEL NATURAL CHOICE Deli Sandwich Meat Coupon
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.99 after coupon and double

Hormel Pepperoni, $2.99 with in-ad coupon
$1/2 Hormel Pepperoni (exp Varies)
$0.50 /1 HORMEL Pepperoni product Coupon
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.99 after coupon and double

Johnsonville breakfast sausage(*MGP*), $2.99
$1/1 Johnsonville Fully Cooked Breakfast Sausage Links or Patties (exp 5/31/16) SS 03/20/16
$1.50/2 Johnsonville Breakfast Sausage (exp 5/31/16) SS 03/20/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.99ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Hillshire Farm link sausage or meet rope sausage(*MGP*), $2.50

Hillshire Farm beef ropes(*MGP*), $3

Van de Kamps breaded seafood(*MGP*), $4.99

Safeway Vegetable & Fruit Deals

Asparagus tips, $2 with in-ad coupon

**Sweet Strawberries 2lb, $3.77**

Sabra Hummus, B1G1
$1/1 Sabra Hummus (exp 5/22/16) SS 03/20/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= Varies after coupon and double

Naturesweet cherubs or sunbursts, $3 with in-ad coupon

Red-Green-Black Seedless Grapes, $2.99/lb

Large Hass Avocados, $1

On the vine tomatoes, $1.99/lb

Fresh Express Salad blends(*MGP*), $2.50

Large navel Oranges, $1.49/lb

Fresh Halo Clementines, $5
$0.50/1 Wonderful Halos California Mandarins (exp 4/20/16) SS 03/20/16
$0.50/1 Wonderful Halos (exp 3/28/16) SS 02/28/16
$0.50/1 Wonderful Halos California Mandarins (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $4.00 after coupon and double

Fresh Organic Strawberries, $3.99

Organic Collard greens, $2.50

O Organic Grape tomatoes, $3

Safeway Dairy & Cheese Deals

Philadelphia Cream Cheese, $1.49 with in-ad coupon

Darigold Butter, $2.99

Open Nature Greek Yogurt, $0.70

**Yoplait Yogurt, $0.50**
$0.50/5 Yoplait Yogurt (exp Varies)
$0.50/5 Yoplait Yogurt: Original, Light, Light Thick & Creamy, Whips! (exp Varies)
Mobile Bonuses( SS$0.50/5 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.30 ea WYB 5 after coupon and double

Fage Greek Yogurt, $3

Tillamook Sour Cream, $1.67

Imperial Spread Quarters(*MGP*), $0.79

Fairlife Milk, $1.99 with in-ad coupon

Sargento shredded cheese(*MGP*), $2

international delight coffee creamer 32oz(*MGP*), $2.50

**Reddi whip cream topping(*MGP*), $2.50**
$0.75/2 Reddi-Wip Whipped Topping (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.25 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Frigo string cheese heads, $5.99

Baileys coffee creamer 32oz(*MGP*), $2.50

Safeway Bread & Bakery Deals

Franz Wide Pan Bread, $1.88

Franz organic thin slice bread, $3.49

Sara Lee bagel, $1.99

Oroweat Muffins, $1.99

Safeway Frozen & Refrigerated Deals

**Tillamook Ice Cream or gelato or novelties, $2.99 with in-ad coupon**

Stahlbush Fruit, $3.50

Sara Lee Cheesecake(*MGP*), $4.50

Signature Kitchens Potatoes(*MGP*), $2

Signature Kitchens Whipped Toppings, $1.25

Pepperidge Farm pastry sheets, $3.99

Birds eye steamfresh, $1.67

Sara Lee Pies, $3.49 with in-ad coupon

Cool Whip, $0.99 with in-ad coupon

Freschetta Pizza, $4.99 with in-ad coupon

Mrs Smith Fruit Pies, $4.99 with in-ad coupon

Baskin Robbins ice cream pint(*MGP*), $3.33

Healthy choice steamers or entrées, $2.50

Marie callendars entrées or Pot pies(*MGP*), $2.50

Eggo waffles(*MGP*), $2.50

Birds Eye Voila(*MGP*), $3.50

Marie Callenders fruit or cream pies, $5.99
$0.55/1 Marie Callender’s Dessert Pie (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $4.94 after coupon and double

Nestle Cookie Dough, $2.50
$0.50/1 Nestle Toll House Frozen Cookie Dough (exp 6/30/16) SS 01/03/16
$0.50/1 Nestle Toll House Refrigerated Cookie Dough (exp Varies) MAN
Mobile Bonuses( IB$1/2 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.50 after coupon and double

Pillsbury Cookie Dough, $2.50
$1.00 off (2) Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods
Mobile Bonuses( IB$0.75/1 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.75ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Pillsbury Pie Crust, $2.50
$1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products (exp 6/11/16) SS 03/20/16
$1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products (exp 4/2/16) SS 01/10/16 #2
$1.00 off (2) Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods
Mobile Bonuses( SS$1/2 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.75ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Pillsbury Grand Biscuits 16oz, $1.67
$1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products (exp 6/11/16) SS 03/20/16
$1/3 Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods Products (exp 4/2/16) SS 01/10/16 #2
$1.00 off (2) Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods
Mobile Bonuses( SS$1/2 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.92 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Other Safeway Deals

Libbys Canned Veggie(can), $0.59 with in-ad coupon

Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice blends, $1.88 with in-ad coupon

Martinellis Sparkling Cider, $1.88 with in-ad coupon

Kelloggs Cereal, $1.99 with in-ad coupon
$0.50/1 Kellogg’s Froot Loops
$0.50/1 Kelloggs Apple Jacks Cereal
$1/2 Kelloggs Corn Pops Cereals
$1/2 Kelloggs Frosted Mini Wheats Cereals
$1/2 Kellogg’s Special K Cereals
$1/2 Kellogg’sRice Krispies Cereals
$0.50/1 Kelloggs Mini Wheats Cereal
$0.50/1 Kellogg’s Krave Cereal
$0.50/1 Kelloggs Jif Peanut Butter Cereal
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.99 after coupon and double

Lays Family Size Chips, B1G1

Nabisco Snack Crackers, $1.88
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products (exp 4/23/16) SS 03/20/16
Mobile Bonuses( 51$1/2 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.21 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Coke-7up-pepsi 12pk, B2G2

Folgers coffee cans 30ish oz, $6.99

Starbucks bags or kcups, $6.99

**Best Foods Mayo, $2.99**
$0.50/1 Best Foods Mayonnaise (exp 4/17/16) RP 03/20/16
$1/1 Best Foods Mayonnaise Squeeze, Organic or Carefully Crafted (exp 4/17/16) RP 03/20/16
Mobile Bonuses( SS$0.50/1 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.49 after coupon and double

fritos, $1.99

refreshe soda, $2.25

Arrowhead water 24pk, $3.50

Keebler club or town house crackers(*MGP*), $2.50

Nabisco toasted chips, $2.50
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products (exp 4/23/16) SS 03/20/16
Mobile Bonuses( 51$1/2 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.83 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

coca cola 2liter, $0.99ea WYB 5

Keebler shoppe cookies(*MGP*), $2.50

Perrier 10pk cans(*MGP*), $3.99

Signature Kitchens Crackers, $1.99

Brookside pouches, $3.50
$1/2 Brookside Chocolate (exp 3/20/16) SS 01/24/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.75ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Jolly rancher bag, $3.50
$2/3 Hershey?s Easter Hershey?s Kisses, Reese?s, Hershey?s Minatures, Hershey?s Eggs, Cadbury, Jolly Rancher or Whoppers Bags (exp 3/27/16) SS 03/06/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.67 ea WYB 3 after coupon and double

Hersheys king size bars, $1.25

Essentia water 20oz, $1.29

Pace Picante sauce or salsa, $2.49

Signature Kitchens Animal Crackers, $4.99

Popchips, $1.99
$1/2 Popchips (exp 3/31/16) SS 01/24/16
$1/2 Pop Chips (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.24 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

snapple 6pk, $3.99

Signature SELECT crackers, $2

O Organics Dijon Mustard(*MGP*), $2.29

Simply Juices, $3

Starbucks Ready to drink, $4.49

Bob Reds mill products 25% off
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Granola or Muesli (exp Varies)
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Seed or Flaxseed Meal Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free 1-to-1 Baking Flour (exp Varies)
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill America’s Best Baking Flour (exp Varies)
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Wheat Flour (exp Varies)
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Bob’s Red Mill Heritage Beans (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= Varies after coupon and double

Rice or pasta roni(*MGP*), $0.79

Spam(*MGP*), $2.50
$1/2 Spam (exp 4/4/16) SS 02/07/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.75ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

**Nabisco chips ahoy cookies, $1.99 with in-ad coupon**
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products (exp 4/23/16) SS 03/20/16
$0.75/2 Chips Ahoy! Cookies (exp 4/30/16) SS 03/13/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.62 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

**Nabisco Ritz Crackers, $1.99 with in-ad coupon**
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products (exp 4/23/16) SS 03/20/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.62 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Floridas Natural OJ, $2.49 with in-ad coupon

Starkist chunk white albacore, $1 with in-ad coupon

Lucerne Whipped topping, $2.49 with in-ad coupon

Betty Crocker super moist cake mix, $0.99 with in-ad coupon

Kelloggs Pop Tarts 8ct, $1.99 with in-ad coupon
$1/3 Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts
$0.40/1 Kelloggs Pop Tarts Gone Nutty pastries
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.19 after coupon and double

Kelloggs Fruit Snacks, $1.99 with in-ad coupon

Signature Kitchens Pineapple, $1.49

**Jet Puffed marshmallows, $0.99 with in-ad coupon**

Jello pudding or gelatin mix, $0.99 with in-ad coupon

Betty Crocker cookie pouches, $1.99 with in-ad coupon

Betty Crocker supreme brownie mix, $1.99 with in-ad coupon

Gold medal flour 5 pound, $1.99

Lindsay large olives, $1.49 with in-ad coupon
$1/2 Lindsay Olives (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.74ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Sweet baby Ray’s barbecue sauce, $1.49 with in-ad coupon

**French French fried onions or crispy jalapenos, $3.49 with in-ad coupon**
$0.50/1 French’s Crispy Fried Onions or Crispy Jalapenos (exp 4/30/16) SS 03/13/16
$0.30/1 French’s French Fried Onions (exp Varies)
$0.50 off any TWO Frenchs Crispy Fried Onions
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.49 after coupon and double

Dunkin’ Donuts coffee bag or cake tops, $5.99

Dasani water twenty-four pack, $3.99 with in-ad coupon

Snapple 32oz bottle(*MGP*), $0.50 with in-ad coupon

wired energy drinks(*MGP*), $0.50 with in-ad coupon

**C&H Brown or powdered sugar 2pound(*MGP*), $1.99 with in-ad coupon**
$0.40/1 C&H Sugar (exp 5/31/16) RP 03/06/16
$0.75/2 C&H Sugar Products (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.19 after coupon and double

**C&H granulated sugar 4pound(*MGP*), $1.99 with in-ad coupon**
$0.40/1 C&H Sugar (exp 5/31/16) RP 03/06/16
$0.75/2 C&H Sugar Products (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.19 after coupon and double

signature kitchens frozen fruit, $2.99 with in-ad coupon

Nestlé baking morsels, $2.99 with in-ad coupon
$0.50 off ONE NESTLE TOLL HOUSE Morsels
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.99 after coupon and double

Pepperidge Farm classic collection pirouettes, $4.99 with in-ad coupon

refresh soda 2liter, $0.79 with in-ad coupon

Minute Maid orange juice 1 gallon, $5.99 with in-ad coupon

Keebler piecrust, $1.99 with in-ad coupon

Wishbone salad dressing(*MGP*), $2.89

Del Monte canned vegetables(*MGP*), $1

bushes variety or chili beans(*MGP*), $1

Vlasic pickles(*MGP*), $2.99

Snyder’s pretzels(*MGP*), $2.50
$1/2 Snyder’s or Hanover Items (exp 4/30/16) SS 02/28/16 R
$1/2 Snyder’s of Hanover (exp Varies)
Mobile Bonuses( IB$0.75/1 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.75 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Kettle potato chip(*MGP*),$2.50
$1.00 off any TWO (2) Kettle Brand items
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.75 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Ghirardelli baking chips(*MGP*), $3

Pearl olives to go for pack(*MGP*), $2.50

Red vines(*MGP*), $1

Oreo thins(*MGP*), $2.50
$0.75/2 Oreo Cookies (exp 3/26/16) SS 02/07/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.87 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Sun maid raisins or seedless raisins 20-24oz(*MGP*), $4.49

Pop secret popcorn, B1G1

pillsbury cake mix or brownie mix(*MGP*), $1.25

Cape Cod potato chips(*MGP*), $2.50

Crisco cooking oil 48 oZ, $2.99

Eagle Brand condensed milk(*MGP*), $2

Smuckers preserves(*MGP*), $2.50

jif peanut butter(*MGP*), $2.50

Hills Bros cappuccino Kcups(*MGP*), $6.49
$0.50/1 Hills Bros. Cappuccino (exp 3/31/16) SS 01/24/16
$1/1 Hills Bros. Cappuccino Single Serve (exp 3/31/16) SS 01/24/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $4.99 after coupon and double

**chicken of the sea pink Salmon pouch or solid white tuna(*MGP*), $1.25**
Buy 1 Chicken of the Sea Salmon pouch, get 1 Free
Final Price= $0.67ea WYB 2 after coupon

Sour patch kids or Swedish fish 14oz(*MGP*), $2.50

Rice Krispies cereal, $2.50(buy 2 get 1 free marshmallows)
$1/2 Kellogg’sRice Krispies Cereals
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.75 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double(plus free marshmallows)

signature kitchens Brown or powdered sugar 2 pounds, $1.99

Duncan Hines classic cake mix or signature cake mix, $1.50

Kraft marshmallow cream, $1.25

Lipton dry onion soup mix, $1.79
$0.60/2 Lipton Recipe Secrets (exp Varies)
Mobile Bonuses( SS$0.60/2 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.24 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Bertolli extra virgin olive oil 17oz, $6.99

signature kitchens apple juice or cider, $2

Bertolli Riserva pasta sauce, $5.99
$1/2 Bertolli Pasta Sauces (exp 4/3/16) SS 03/06/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $5.24 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Duncan Hines wilderness pie filling, $1.99

bumble bee snow clams, $1.50

Kashi bars or cereal, $2.50

Motts applesauce, $2.50

Wesson cooking oil, $3

**Clausson Pickles, $2.99**
$0.55/1 CLAUSSEN Pickles (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.94 after coupon and double

Simply potatoes hash browns, $2

O organics Bross 32oz, $1.79

Zone perfect bars, $1
$1/3 Zone Perfect Single Bars or Box (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.50 ea WYB 3 after coupon and double

Pure Protein bars, $1

J&J Baby Items(*MGP*), $3.99
$1/2 Johnson’s or Desitin Products (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $3.24 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Eucerin(*MGP*), $9.99
$1.50/1 Eucerin Body Lotion or Creme Product (exp 3/26/16) SS 02/28/16
$1.50/1 Eucerin Baby Product (exp 3/26/16) SS 02/28/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $7.99 after coupon and double

Finish auto detergent(*MGP*), $8.99
$0.55/1 FINISH Dishwasher Detergent
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $7.94 after coupon and double

Nivea lotion(*MGP*), $5.49
$3/2 Nivea Body Lotion or Creme Products (exp 3/26/16) SS 02/28/16
$1/1 Nivea Body Lotion or Creme Product (exp 3/26/16) SS 02/28/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $4.24 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

**Arm n Hammer cat litter(*MGP*), $4.99 with in-ad coupon**
$1/1 Arm & Hammer Cat Litter (exp 5/15/16) SS 03/06/16
$1/1 Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Cat Litter (exp 5/15/16) SS 03/06/16
$1.50/1 Arm & Hammer Cat Litter (exp Varies)
$2/1 Arm & Hammer Clump and Seal Cat Litter (exp Varies)
$2/1 Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Litter, Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal LightWeight Litter or Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Natural Litter (exp Varies)
$1.50/1 Arm & Hammer Cat Litter (exp Varies)
$2/1 Arm & Hammer Clump & Seal Cat Litter (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.49 after coupon and double

Chinet cut crystal plates or tumblers or cutlery, B2G1 with in-ad coupon
$1/1 Comfort Cup By Chinet Insulated Hot Cups (exp Varies)
$1/1 Chinet Branded Products (exp Varies)
$1/1 Chinet Product (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= Varies after coupon and double

Tide detergent 150 oz, $17.99 with in-ad coupon
$1/1 Tide Detergent (exp Varies)
$0.50/1 Tide Detergent (exp Varies)
$1/1 Tide Detergent (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $16.49 after coupon and double

Glad cling wrap, $1.99 with in-ad coupon

Glad trash bags, $7.99 with in-ad coupon
$1/1 Glad Odorshield With Febreze Trash Bag (exp 4/3/16) SS 01/03/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $6.49 after coupon and double

signature home plates or bowls, $2.79

Ziploc storage bags, $2.79
$1/2 Ziploc Brand Bags (exp Varies)
$1.00/2 Ziploc brand bags Coupon
$1.00/2 Ziploc brand Slider Bags Coupon
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.04 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

**Bounty basic paper towel, $1**
$0.50/1 Bounty/Charmin Basic Product (exp 3/26/16) P&G 02/28/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= FREE after coupon and double

Gain dish detergent 24oz, $1.99

Vanity fair napkins, $1.99

Reynolds foil, $3.49
$0.75/1 Reynolds Wrap Foil (exp Varies)
$0.55/1 Reynolds Wrap Foil (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.44 after coupon and double

Clorox cleanup, $3.50
$0.50/1 Clorox Pump ‘N Clean Product (exp 4/28/16) SS 02/28/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.50 after coupon and double(right product?)

Hefty storage bags, $1.49
$1/2 Hefty Slider Bags (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.74 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Clorox disinfecting wipes 75ct, $4.99

Febreze, $3
$1/1 Febreze Fabric Refresher Product (exp 3/26/16) P&G 02/28/16
$0.75/1 Febreze (exp Varies)
$1.00/1 Febreze smallSPACES (excludes trial/travel size) (Change zip to 17103) exp(03/31/2016)
$1.50/1 Febreze Unstopables Pluggable Scented Oil (exp Varies)
$1.50/1 Febreze Unstopables Candle (exp Varies)
$0.75/1 Febreze Product (exp Varies)
$1/1 Febreze Noticeables Refill (exp Varies)
$1/1 Febreze Noticeables Refill (exp Varies)
$1/1 Febreze Candle (exp Varies)
$1/1 Febreeze Small Spaces (exp Varies)
$1/1 Febreeze Candle (exp Varies)
Mobile Bonuses( 51$1/1 )
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.50 after coupon and double

Raid ant and roach spray, $3.99
$0.55/1 Raid Product (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.94 after coupon and double

**Colgate toothpaste, $1.50**
$0.50/1 Colgate Toothpaste (exp 4/2/16) SS 03/20/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.50 after coupon and double

soft soap body wash, $3.50
$1/1 Softsoap Body Wash (exp 4/9/16) SS 03/20/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.00 after coupon and double

Irish Spring body wash, $3.50
$1/1 Irish Spring Body Wash (exp 4/2/16) SS 03/13/16
$1/1 Irish Spring Body Wash (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.00 after coupon and double

OGX haircare, $5.99
$1/1 OGX Hair Care or Body Care Item (exp 5/20/16) SS 03/20/16
$3/2 OGX Hair Care And Body Care Items (exp 5/20/16) SS 03/20/16
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $4.24 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Halls cough drops, $1.67

**edge shave gel, $2.50**
$1.00/1 Skintimate, Edge or Schick Hydro Shave Gel (excludes 2.75 oz) (Change zip to 17103) exp(03/26/2016)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.00 after coupon and double


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