Categories: Grocery DealsSafeway

Safeway Weekly Deal Summary 7/8– 7/14

Here is a nice look at the NEXT Safeway Weekly Deal Summary 7/8– 7/14. 🙂 Here are the list of current deals on the (mostly) complete ad. AGAIN these deals are for 7/8-7/14! 🙂

Also a NEW(ish) Note regarding doubling internet coupons.I have gotten feedback about 3 stores not doubling printables(St Helens, a Vancouver store and MCMINVILLE), and Im still working on it! There has been a attitude of not changing anything until the merger is done at the first of the year. 🙂

We have a few Great Deals this week! We have Cheap Duncan Hines Brownie Mix(FRIDAY ONLY), Cheap All detergent 100oz or 48ct packs(FRIDAY ONLY), Cheap Fresh Foster Farms Whole Chicken, Cheap Farmer John Bacon 12oz, Cheap Farmer John Sausage links 8oz, Cheap Red-Green-Black grapes, FREE Yoplait Yogurt, Cheap Blue Diamond Almond breeze 64oz, Cheap Oroweat bread, Cheap Tillamook Ice Cream, Cheap Popsicle Novelties 10ct, Cheap Kelloggs Cereal, Cheap Jet Puffed Marshmallows, Cheap Kelloggs Nutri grain bars, Cheap Archway cookies And Cheap Lance Sandwich Crackers!!!

We(generally) get Double Coupons here in the Portland, Oregon area. These are found in the weekly ads, and they allow you to double a Manufacturer Coupon up to $0.50 “extra” cents. You can NOT(?) double a printable coupon, so if you see a deal below with both a paper coupon and a printable, if i mention you can double, its to double the paper coupon, not the printable. I’ve listed the coupons and deals below that are double-able. If you happen to live in non-double land, just add the $0.50 back to the Final Price. Also some of these coupons expire soon, or will have a reset after the first of the month, so printing now may be a good thing!

If any new coupons come up in the next few days, I’ll keep this list updated! I have marked some of the better deals with a **

$5 Friday(ONLY Friday now!!!)

2lb Strawberries, $5

Raspberries 12oz, $5

8piece dark Chicken, $5

Cooked Shrimp 12oz, $5

Fresh Eclairs, $5

Fresh Baked Pudding Ring Cakes, 2/$5(or $2.50ea)

Bar S Franks, 4/$5(or $1.25 ea)

Deli Counter hard Salami, $5/lb

Fanta or Minute Maid or Seagrams or 7UP 12pks, 2/$5(or $2.50ea)

Coke 2liters, 5/$5(or $1.00 ea WYB 5)

Floridas Natural OJ, 2/$5(or $2.50ea)

Nestle Drumsticks, $5

refreshe water 24pk, 2/$5(or $2.50ea)

Teddy Grahams, 3/$5(or $1.67 ea)

**Duncan Hines Brownie Mix, 5/$5(or $1.00 ea)**
$1/2 Duncan Hines Products (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.25 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

**All detergent 100oz or 48ct packs, $5**
$1/1 All Product (exp 7/19/15) RP 06/07/15
$1.50/1 all product (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $3 after coupon and double

Dunkin Donuts Coffee, $5
$1.50/2 Dunkin Donuts Grocery Coffee Products (exp 7/31/15) RP 06/14/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $4.00 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Trolli Candies, 5/$5(or $1.00 ea)

Safeway Meat & Seafood Deals

Pork loin Rib Half Sliced, $1.69/lb

**Fresh Foster Farms Whole Chicken, $0.89/lb**

USDA Choice Boneless Beef Top Round london broil, $2.99/lb

Hills Sliced Smoked slab bacon, $2.99/lb

Fresh Ground Beef 80/20, $3.99/lb

Johnsonville Dinner Sausage, $5

Foster Farms ground beef, $5.49

USDA Choice beef Loin Tbone Steak, $10.99/lb

USDA Choice beef Ribeye Steak, $10.99/lb

Fresh Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, $2.49/lb

Fresh Pork Shoulder country style ribs, $2.59/lb

Safeway SELECT Extra meaty porl loin back ribs, $3.99/lb

Pork Spareribs st louis stye ribs, $2.59/lb

Center Cut pork Loin Chops, $3.49/lb

Open Nature Lamb Loin Chops, $7.99/lb

Open Nature Lamb Shoulder Blade Chops, $3.99/lb

USDA Choice boneless beef bottom round steak, B1G1

USDA Choice Boneless Beef chuck steaks, B1G1

Raw Shrimp, $6.99/lb

Fresh pacific Rockfish fillet, $6.99/lb

Cooked Shrimp, $9.99/lb

**Farmer John Bacon 12oz, $2.99**
$0.75/1 Farmer John Bacon Product (exp 8/7/15) SS 06/07/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.74 after coupon and double

**Farmer John Sausage links 8oz, $1.50**
$1/2 Farmer John Breakfast Sausage (exp 8/7/15) SS 06/07/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.75ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Safeway Farms Breakfast Sausage Rolls, $2.99

Oscar mayer Meat Bologna, $2.99

Open Nature boneless chicken breasts, $5.99/lb

Safeway Vegetable & Fruit Deals

**Red-Green-Black grapes, $1.49/lb**

Sweet Red or Black plums, $1.99/lb

O Organics Salads, $2.50

Fresh Cucumbers, $0.69

Large Gala Apples,$1.79/lb

Organic Green Kale bunch, $1.50

Green Onions, $0.50

Safeway Dairy & Cheese Deals

Tillamook Cheese 16oz, $3.99
$1/1 Tillamook Cheese (exp 8/16/15) SS 06/28/15
$1/1 Tillamook Cheese (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.49 after coupon and double

**Yoplait Yogurt, $0.50**
$0.50/5 Yoplait Yogurt Cups (exp 8/1/15) SS 06/07/15
$0.50/5 Yoplait Yogurt (exp Varies)
$0.50/5 Yoplait Yogurt (Includes Original, Light, Light Thick & Creamy, Thick & Cream, Whips! or Lactose Free (exp Varies)
$0.75 off Weight Watchers branded product(good on Yoplait Light!)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= FREE after coupon

Sargento Cheese(shred) or balanced breaks, $3
$1/1 Sargento Balanced Breaks Snack (exp 7/19/15) SS 05/17/15
$0.75/1 Sargento Balanced Breaks Snack (exp 7/19/15) SS 05/17/15 R
$0.75/1 Sargento Balanced Breaks Cheese Snack Kit (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.50 after coupon and double

Sargento Cheese(slices), $2.50

Fage yogurt, $1

**Blue Diamond Almond breeze 64oz, $2.79**
$1/1 Blue Diamond Chilled Almond Breeze Almondmilk (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.29 ea after coupon and double

Tillamook Sour Cream, $1.99

Tillamook Butter, $3.50

Safeway Bread & Bakery Deals

Ovenjoy Bread, $0.99

**Oroweat bread, $2.99**
$0.55/1 Oroweat Sliced Bread Product (exp 9/7/15) SS 06/07/15
$0.55/1 Oroweat Sliced Bread Products (exp 7/31/15) SS 04/19/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.94 after coupon and double

Franz Bagels, $2.50

Safeway Frozen & Refrigerated Deals

**Tillamook Ice Cream, $3.50**
$1/1 Tillamook Ice Cream Product (exp 7/12/15) SS 05/31/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.00 after coupon and double

Lean Cuisine Simple Favorites, $2

Safeway SELECT Ice Cream, $2.49 with in-ad coupon

Red Baron Single Serve Pizza, $2.49 with in-ad coupon
$1/2 Red Baron Singles (exp Varies)
$1/2 Red Baron Single Serve Pizzas (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.74ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

**Popsicle Novelties 10ct, $0.99 with in-ad coupon**

Open Nature Entrees, $2.99

Alexia Potatoes, $3.50

California Pizza kitchen pizza, $5

Digiorno Pizza, $5

Skinny Cow Novelties, $3.99

Haagen Dazs, $3.99

Banquet entrees, $1

Lucernce Novelties, $2.99

Superpretzel, $2

Pillsbury Grands, $1

Other Safeway Deals

Pepsi, $4ea WYB 3

Ruffles or Doritos, B1G1

Kens Salad Dressing, B1G1

General Mills Cereal, $2
$1/2 General Mills Big G Cereals (exp 8/8/15) SS 06/28/15
$1/2 Big G Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Coco Puffs, Lucky Charms, Trix, Reese’s Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Golden Grahams, Kix, Dora the Explorer, Hershey’s Cookies n’ Cr?me, SpongeBob SquarePants (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.25ea wYB 2 after coupon and double

**Kelloggs Cereal, $2**
$1/2 Kellogg’s All Bran, Crispix, Muesliz, Product 19, Smart Start, Cracklin’ Oat Bran, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Crunchy Nut, Raisin Bran or Corn Flakes, 9oz+ (exp 8/9/15) RP 06/28/15 R
$1/3 Kellogg’s Cereals (exp 7/12/15) RP 05/31/15 R
$0.50/1 Frosted Flakes Coupon
$0.50/1 Froot Loops bloopers Coupon
$1/3 Kelloggs Cereal Coupon
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1 after coupon and double

Mission Soft taco Tortillas, $1.79

Safeway Kitchens Pickles 24oz, $2.99

Kettle Chips, $2.50

Tims Potato Chips, $2.50

Gatorade, $0.79ea WYB 5

Pepsi 2liters, $1.67ea WYB 5

Cheezits family, $4.99

refreshe Soda 12pk, $1.99ea WYB 2

Kraft Mayo or miracle whip, $2.99 with in-ad coupon
$0.50/1 Kraft Mayo (exp 7/18/15) SS 06/21/15 R
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.99 after coupon and double

Bulls Eye BBQ Sauce, $0.99 with in-ad coupon

**Jet Puffed Marshmallows, $0.99 with in-ad coupon**
$0.60/3 Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows (exp 8/2/15) SS 06/28/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.63 ea WYB 3 after coupon and double

**Kelloggs Nutri grain bars, $1.99 with in-ad coupon**
$1/2 Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Breakfast Bars, Nutri-Grain Crunch or Nutri-Grain Fruit & Oats Harvest Bars (exp 7/19/15) RP 06/07/15 R
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.24 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Safeway SELECT coffee or Kcups, $4.99 with in-ad coupon

Kelloggs Rice Krispies treats, $2 with in-ad coupon

La Victoria Salsa 24oz, $2.49 with in-ad coupon

Kraft mac & Cheese 5pk, $4.49 with in-ad coupon

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, $1.67

Powerade, $0.59ea WYB 10

Oreo Cookies, $2.50
$0.75/2 Nabisco Cookie or Cracker Products (exp 8/8/15) SS 06/28/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.83ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Honey Maid Graham Crackers, $2.50
$1/2 Honey Maid Grahams (exp 8/8/15) SS 06/28/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.75ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Snapple 32oz, $0.79

Nestea 12pk, $2.99

**Archway cookies, $3**
$1/1 Archway Cookies (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.50 after coupon and double

Perrier Sparkling Water, $5

**Lance Sandwich Crackers, $1.67**
$1/2 Lance Cracker Sandwiches (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.92 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Arrowhead Sparkling water 23oz, $0.99

Orville Redenbacher popcorn, $1.99

Brookside, $3.50

Stella Doro Cookies, $3

refreshe liquid enhancers, $3.49

refreshe water 1liter, $1

refreshe ice, $0.79

Safeway Kitchens Cranberry Juice COcktail blends, $2

Betty Crocker Helper Meals, $1.67
$0.80/4 Helper or Ultimate Helper Skillet Dishes (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.37ea WYB 4 after coupon and double

Bumble Bee solid White Albacore(can), $1.67

Rosarita Beans, $1.25

Koolaid jammers, $1.99

Stubbs BBQ Sauce, $3.49

Idahoan Original mashed Potatoes 13.75oz, $2.79

Mahatma white or brown rice 2lb, $2.99
$0.50/1 Mahatma or Water Maid Rice (exp 7/31/15) RP 04/26/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.99 after coupon and double

Hunts Pudding Snack Pack, $0.99

Duncan hines cake mix, $1.50
$1/2 Duncan Hines Products (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $0.75 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double

Safeway Kitchens Canned Coconut Milk, $1.50

Safeway Kitchens Kidney beans, $0.89

Simply Lemonade 89oz, $3.99

5hour energy single, $2.50

Safeway Home Plastic party cups 20ct, $2

Safeway Home Dish Liquid 24oz, $1.99

Safeway Home Bleach 121oz, $3.49

Windex, $3

Aquafresh toothpaste, $2.50
$0.75/1 Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste (exp 7/26/15) RP 06/28/15
$0.50/1 Aquafresh Training Fluoride-Free Toothpaste (exp Varies)
$0.75/1 Aquafresh Extreme Clean (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.25 after coupon and double

Organix hair care or body wash, $5.99

Beneful Prepared meals, $1.67

Summer Steaknation Sweepstakes Save $7 instantly WYB $25 of P&G items

Charmin 24double bath tissue, $14
$1/2 Charmin Double Rolls or Mega Rolls (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$0.25/1 Puffs or Charmin Product (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$0.50/1 Charmin Ultra Soft or Strong (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $13 after coupon and double

Bounty 12 big rolls, $14
$0.25/1 Bounty Product (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$0.25/1 Bounty Paper Towel (exp Varies)
$0.25/1 Bounty Paper Towels (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $13.50 after coupon and double

Tide Laundry Detergent 100oz, $11
$3/3 Tide Detergent or Downy Products (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$1/1 Tide Detergent (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$0.75/1 Tide Detergent (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $9.50 after coupon and double

Downy Fabric Softener 51oz, $6
$3/3 Tide Detergent or Downy Products (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$0.50/1 Downy (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $5 after coupon and double

Cascade Dishwasher Detergent 15ct packs, $5

Dawn Dish Soap 21oz, $3
$0.25/1 Dawn (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$0.30/1 Dawn Product (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2.40 after coupon and double

Secret Deodorant, $6
$1/1 Secret, Old Spice, Gillette Antiperspirant/Deodorant (exp 7/19/15) P&G 07/05/15
$2/1 Secret or Gillette Clinical (exp 7/19/15) P&G 07/05/15
$2/1 Secret Clinical Invisible Solid or Clear Gel Antiperspirant/Deodorant (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $3.50 after coupon and double

Olay Body Wash, $4.99
$1/1 Olay Body Wash, Bar Soap, In-Shower Body Lotion or Hand and Body Lotion (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$1/1 Olay Body Wash or Bar Soap (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $3.49 after coupon and double

Crest Toothpaste, $3
$1.50/2 Crest Toothpaste, Crest Rinse, Oral-B Glide Floss or Oral-B Floss Picks (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$0.50/1 Crest Toothpaste, Crest Rinse, Oral-B Glide Floss or Oral-B Floss Picks (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$3/3 Crest Toothpaste, Crest Rinse, Oral-B Glide Floss or Oral-B Floss Picks (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$0.50/1 Crest Toothpaste or Liquid Gel (exp Varies)
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $2 after coupon and double

Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner, $4
$1/1 Pantene Product (exp 12/31/15) Mailer
$4/2 Pantene Products (exp 7/31/15) SS 06/14/15 R
$1/2 Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner Products (exp 7/31/15) SS 06/14/15
$3/2 Pantene Products (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
$5/3 Pantene Products (exp 8/2/15) P&G 07/05/15
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price= $1.75 ea WYB 2 after coupon and double


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