There just hasn’t been any Winco Deals is a little while, but I did find a few today. Remember if the item has a “Price Shocker” tag, that means that ALL Winco stores will have this same price. If it is a normal Green Tag, its possible the prices will be slightly different from store to store. These Sales usually last either 1 week or 2 weeks, depending on the item.
Deal #1
Van De Kamps 10-30ct Fish, $2.68
-$1 Use a $1/1 Van de Kamps Coupon
Final Price=$1.68 after coupon
Deal #2
Winco Foods Salad Dressing, $1.28 ea
Deal #3
Winco Foods Spaghetti 48 oz, $1.98 ea
Deal #4
Organic Coconut Oil 28oz, $7.68
Deal #5
Nature Valley Granola Bars, $1.58
$0.60/2 Nature Valley Bars
Final Price=$1.28 ea after coupon
Deal #6
Fiber One Granola Bars, $1.58
$0.50/1 Fiber One Chewy Bars, Protein Chewy Bars 2/2 SS
Final Price=$1.08 ea after coupon
Deal #7
Cascade Bread, $0.98 ea
Here is a quick and easy deal. I needed some cheese and needed a great…
Where have I been? Great Question!! Thank you for all your responses and kind words…
Where have I been? Great Question!! Thank you for all your responses and kind words…
Where have I been? Great Question!! Thank you for all your responses and kind words…
Here is a nice look at the NEXT Safeway & Albertsons Weekly Deal Summary 05/15/19…
Here is the Fred Meyer Weekly Deal Summary 05/08/19 - 05/14/19!! I have listed most…
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Just used my last .$75 MC for frozen fish. I am not sure from what insert but exp 03/31/14