There will be TONS of white granulated and brown and powdered sugar deals this fall/winter. I never pay over $1 for C&H Brown or Powdered Sugar 2lbs, so the fact I can get this price over the next 4 days and I needed it, this was a practical deal for me! In TODAY’s Paper(11/11/15) we received a bonus Fred Meyer 4-day mini ad. Since we can use the coupon codes for these coupons, you can still do this deal even if you don’t have this special mini ad.
Deal Details
- The C&H Brown or Powdered Sugar 2lbs is $1.49 with special in-ad coupon through this Saturday 11/14/15
- We have a $0.50/1 C&H Brown or Powdered Sugar 2lbs Coupon 9/13 RP
Here is the “full” 4day mini-ad! (Click to bring up large version)
So you can use some version of the above sugar coupons, or just tell your Cashier to use the code, 32515. Too bad we only until this Saturday to use this coupon, but that still gives you a few days to do this deal.
Buy a C&H Brown or Powdered Sugar 2lbs, $1.49
-$0.50 Use a $0.50/1 C&H Brown or Powdered Sugar 2lbs Coupon 9/13 RP
Final Price=$0.99 after coupon
My store didn’t have this ad
no store had the ad. it was a speical in-paper ad Only. The spokane area got this coupon set, so im surprised if the above codes would not work for you area!