When you think about deals, let me guess yogurt and bacon don’t exactly first come to mind. But Safeway is doing an interesting promo next week that turns out to be a fantastic deal!!! See below!!
Why give you a heads up so early? So you can print the coupons you need for this deal. Who knows when the yogurt coupon will stop being available. I would print soon. 🙂
Deal Details
- The Dannon Oikos, Triple Zero or Light&Fit Yogurt are $1 each 7/29/15 through 8/4/15
- There is a $1/3 Dannon Triple Zero Yogurt Coupon (revtrax coupon)
- We can double that coupon(at most stores)
This of course this should be an easy deal! Print the coupon, wait until next Wednesday, buy as many as you have coupons! 🙂 As you can see we need to buy 10 yogurts. The Dannon Triple Zero Yogurt are the only yogurts that have a coupon, so that’s what we will buy. Then we can choose(for FREE) any TWO of those others items listed, 2 bacon or 2 OJ or 1 bacon and 1 OJ …, either way getting 10 yogurts and 2 of those above items for $5.50 is a Great deal!
Buy 10 Dannon Triple Zero Yogurt, $1ea (=$10 total)
-$3 Use 3 x $1/3 Dannon Triple Zero Yogurt Coupon
-$1.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$5.50 for 10 yogurt PLUS 2 FREE items after coupon and double
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