July 1, 2018, at 6:27 am Hello! There are a MANY new coupons this month and a few of them are pretty good. They changed the how they displayed the pictures which…i think i have figured out!! If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a zip code, that means you need to live IN that zip code, or have a way of printing from that area in the United States. This is because Coupons.com. You can thank them…… 
. . . → Read More: New July 2018 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
May 1, 2018, at 8:58 am Hello! There are a MANY new coupons this month and a few of them are pretty good. They changed the how they displayed the pictures which…i think i have figured out!! If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a zip code, that means you need to live IN that zip code, or have a way of printing from that area in the United States. This is because Coupons.com. You can thank them…… 
. . . → Read More: New May 2018 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
April 1, 2018, at 7:55 am Hello! There are a MANY new coupons this month and a few of them are pretty good. They changed the how they displayed the pictures which is STILL a bummer, so although the picture may say “Coupon Not Found” or “OOPS The coupon..” , the coupon is actually there(just not the picture). Just click the link! Im still working on a work around!!! If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a zip . . . → Read More: New April 2018 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
March 1, 2018, at 8:24 am Hello! There are a MANY new coupons this month/Year and a few of them are pretty good. They changed the how they displayed the pictures which is STILL a bummer, so although the picture may say “Coupon Not Found” or “OOPS The coupon..” , the coupon is actually there(just not the picture). Just click the link! Im still working on a work around!!! If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a zip . . . → Read More: New March 2018 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
February 1, 2018, at 7:49 am Hello! There are a MANY new coupons this month/Year and a few of them are pretty good. They changed the how they displayed the pictures which is STILL a bummer, so although the picture may say “Coupon Not Found” or “OOPS The coupon..” , the coupon is actually there(just not the picture). Just click the link! Im still working on a work around!!! If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a zip . . . → Read More: New February 2018 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
January 1, 2018, at 7:36 am bellow Hello! There are a MANY new coupons this month/Year and a few of them are pretty good. They changed the how they displayed the pictures which is STILL a bummer, so although the picture may say “Coupon Not Found” or “OOPS The coupon..” , the coupon is actually there(just not the picture). Just click the link! Im still working on a work around!!! If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a . . . → Read More: New January 2018 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
December 1, 2017, at 7:57 am Hello! There are a a Few new coupons this month and a few of them are pretty good. They changed the how they displayed the pictures which is STILL a bummer, so although the picture may say “Coupon Not Found” or “OOPS The coupon..” , the coupon is actually there(just not the picture). Just click the link! Im still working on a work around!!! If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a . . . → Read More: New December 2017 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
November 1, 2017, at 8:29 am Hello! There are a alot of new coupons this month and some really Good ones. They changed the how they displayed the pictures this month, so although the picture says “Coupon Not Found”, the coupon is actually there(just not the picture). Just click the link! I will fix this asap!!! If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a zip code, that means you need to live IN that zip code, or have . . . → Read More: New November 2017 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
October 1, 2017, at 7:26 am Hello! There are a alot of new coupons this month and some really Good ones. If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a zip code, that means you need to live IN that zip code, or have a way of printing from that area in the United States. This is because Coupons.com. You can thank them…… 
BUT things are changing. For some of you, you have noticed this change already. Have . . . → Read More: New October 2017 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!
September 1, 2017, at 6:23 am Hello! There are a alot of new coupons this month and some really Good ones. If you see a coupon that does not have a zip code listed, that means its available in the 97229 zip code, just click and print! If you see a coupon that has a zip code, that means you need to live IN that zip code, or have a way of printing from that area in the United States. This is because Coupons.com. You can thank them…… 
BUT things are changing. For some of you, you have noticed this change already. Have . . . → Read More: New September 2017 Printable Coupons!! – Master List!