November 30, 2018, at 6:51 am Fred Meyer/QFC Friday Freebie!
Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(11/30/18), but have until 12/16/18 to actually redeem it.
So first go here, to the Fred Meyer Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this webpage . . . → Read More: FREE Jelly Belly Liquid Water Enhancer LOAD TODAY 11/30/18 @ Fred Meyer/QFC
November 23, 2018, at 6:33 am Fred Meyer/QFC Friday Freebie!
Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(11/23/18), but have until 12/09/18 to actually redeem it.

So first go here, to the Fred Meyer Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this webpage you will see the e-coupon. Click the “Load to Card”. Voila! You are good to go! . . . → Read More: FREE Trident Gum Pack LOAD TODAY 11/23/18 @ Fred Meyer/QFC
November 16, 2018, at 6:40 am Fred Meyer/QFC Friday Freebie!
Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(11/16/18), but have until 12/02/18 to actually redeem it.

So first go here, to the Fred Meyer Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this . . . → Read More: FREE Bottle of McCormick Grill Mates LOAD TODAY 11/16/18 @ Fred Meyer/QFC
November 14, 2018, at 12:12 am 
Here is the Fred Meyer Weekly Deal Summary 11/14/18 – 11/22/18 – Holiday Ad!! I have listed most of the grocery items that are in the ad. Fred Meyer is not responsible for any typos I may have made(I don’t think I did)! I have highlighted some of my favorites this week with a **! 
Fred Meyer Meat & Seafood Deals
Hickory Farms Holiday Gift Box (Select . . . → Read More: Fred Meyer Weekly Deal Summary 11/14/18 – 11/22/18 – Holiday Ad
November 9, 2018, at 7:13 am Fred Meyer/QFC Friday Freebie!
Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(11/09/18), but have until 11/25/18 to actually redeem it.

So first go here, to the Fred Meyer Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this webpage you will see the e-coupon. Click the “Load to Card”. Voila! You are good to . . . → Read More: FREE Idahoan Potato Pouch or Cup LOAD TODAY 11/09/18 @ Fred Meyer/QFC
November 2, 2018, at 7:46 am Fred Meyer/QFC Friday Freebie!
Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(11/02/18), but have until 11/18/18 to actually redeem it.

So first go here, to the Fred Meyer Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this webpage . . . → Read More: FREE Chobani Flip or Greek Yogurt LOAD TODAY 11/02/18 @ Fred Meyer/QFC
October 26, 2018, at 6:41 am Fred Meyer/QFC Friday Freebie!
Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(10/26/18), but have until 11/11/18 to actually redeem it.

So first go here, to the Fred Meyer Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this webpage you will see the e-coupon. Click the “Load to Card”. Voila! You are good to . . . → Read More: FREE Cacique Chorizo 9oz LOAD TODAY 10/26/18 @ Fred Meyer/QFC
October 23, 2018, at 11:26 pm 
Here is the Fred Meyer Weekly Deal Summary 10/24/18 – 10/30/18!! I have listed most of the grocery items that are in the ad. Fred Meyer is not responsible for any typos I may have made(I don’t think I did)! I have highlighted some of my favorites this week with a **! 
Fred Meyer Meat & Seafood Deals
Curlys Ribs 24 oz or Curlys BBQ Tubs – 12-16 oz or . . . → Read More: Fred Meyer Weekly Deal Summary 10/24/18 – 10/30/18
October 19, 2018, at 6:33 am Fred Meyer/QFC Friday Freebie!
Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(10/19/18), but have until 11/04/18 to actually redeem it.

So first go here, to the Fred Meyer Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this . . . → Read More: FREE Reese’s Outrageous Bar LOAD TODAY 10/19/18 @ Fred Meyer/QFC
October 12, 2018, at 8:32 am Fred Meyer/QFC Friday Freebie!
Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(10/12/18), but have until 10/28/18 to actually redeem it.

So first go here, to the Fred Meyer Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this webpage you will see the e-coupon. Click the “Load to Card”. Voila! You are good to . . . → Read More: FREE Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice Pouch LOAD TODAY 10/12/18 @ Fred Meyer/QFC