Here is a nice deal on American Greeting Cards. Whenever you NEED a card for something, greeting cards are one of those things that there are generally no “deals” on. (Unless you shop at Dollar Tree for them) This deal gets us pretty cheap cards without ANY coupons, but if you happen to take the extra step to get the coupons, the deal gets MUCH better! This deal has been on for a week now, and I was just waiting to post it, hoping for a good coupon.
Deal Details
- The American Greeting Cards are $1.99-$5.99 regular price.
- There is a Safeway Catalina on American Greeting Cards 1/17/16-2/14/16
- Buy 3 Cards and get a $5 OYNP Catalina Store coupon
- There is a $2/2 American Greeting Cards Coupon found AT Walmart that you can use at Safeway
Here is the display at Walmart.
This deal excludes $0.99 cards. BUT I looked everywhere and the cheapest card I could find was $2.49. Some have found some $1.99 ones. Many are the cards are $3.99-$4.99. A few are $5.99. The coupons at Walmart were in ABUNDANCE. There was 10 displays at least with tearpads on both side of the little displays above, each pad probably had 300 coupons on it. I took 5. Please do NOT take a whole tearpad. Just take what you can use. This $5 Catalina is wonderful as it prints our BEFORE cash out. The moment you scan 3 cards, the Catalina will print. I bought a few cheap $2.49 cards and one $4.99+ card. That way my OOP was around $1.67 total after coupon and catalina. I rolled this Catalina 2 extra time as you can see below! If you get the coupons, start with 3 cheap cards to make your initial OOP as low as possible.
Buy 3 American Greeting Cards, $1.99ea (=$5.97 amount(at least probably))
-$2 Use a $2/2 American Greeting Cards Coupon(DND)
Final Price OOP=$3.97 for 3 and get a $5 OYNP Catalina Coupon
Final Price NET=$1.03 Moneymaker after OYNP Cat
I only found one card for $1.99 and it was for a girls bday. if you buy the $1.99 ones, you might as well buy 4 and then use 2 of the $2/2. Same price and get one more card. But I didn’t do the deal even once because I can’t stand the tax!