Its Freebie time again! Of Course if you are following the Facebook page you knew earlier this week what was going to be the Freebie today! We NEED to load it to our club card today(8/14/15), but have until 8/30/15 to actually redeem it.
This digital did NOT show up under Fred Meyer this week, only QFC. Generally what that means is Fred Meyer does not carry this product. You can still load it to your Fred Meyer Card and see if your Fred Meyer has it, or buy it at QFC.
So first go here, to the QFC Digital Coupon Home and sign in. Notice on this webpage you will see the Propel Purified Water with Electrolytes e-coupon. (odds are it will on any flavor) Click the “Load to Card”. Voila! You are good to go! The coupon should come off at QFC or Fred Meyers!! Very easy!
This coupon only lets you Get one Free PER Card, but of course if your family had 2 cards……. Remember you need to add it TODAY to get this deal!
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