
June 8th-15th-22th (50 Sets Total) Oregonian Coupon Inserts Giveaway!

{UPDATE    A Winner has been chosen!  I have emailed them and once they I have replied, Ill post the winners name!

Maja is the Winner!  Thanks again for everyone’s support!!!  Always Feel Free to ask about anything(coupon related 🙂 )


Well its back! ANOTHER Giveaway!  I don’t know why I have ended up with so many coupon inserts this month, so that means a Giveaway for you!!!  This is a LARGE Giveaway also, 50 Total sets of Coupons!!!!!

As you know, to make the deals work it does help to have the coupon inserts that have the good coupons that always seem to be featured in the deals you see here. So I have decided to give away some more coupon inserts to say thank you for all of you who follow the site and to help promote the site to new readers. As you know I run a SUPER Low SPAM Deals site, so share with confidence. 🙂

2014-06-23 09.58.48

The Giveaway is for 15 sets of the 6/8 Oregonian inserts(SS#1)

The Giveaway is for 10 sets of the 6/15 Oregonian inserts(SS#1 and RP#1)

The Giveaway is for 25 sets of the 6/22 Oregonian inserts(SS#1 and RP#1)

For EACH person and then additional people that you promote to my site can count as an entry/additional entry, just tell me what/how you did it in the comments below(such as Facebook likes),again for each person you shared(make sure its attached to a valid email), like..

“Hey I told my Mom”

“Hey I told my Sister”


Honor system rules apply(but no cheating 🙂 ). This Giveaway will end on Wednesday, June 25th at midnight. I will then use a randomizer software to pick the winner, and I will contact you via the email address commented with. Also You will need to respond to my “You Won!” email with-in 48 hours or Ill have to pick another person.

🙂 Thanks again!

(I only mention the Oregonian for the sole purpose of letting you know which coupons you will be getting versus the FREE versions that float around out there)

33 comments to June 8th-15th-22th (50 Sets Total) Oregonian Coupon Inserts Giveaway!

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