There just hasn’t been any Winco Deals is a little while, but TODAY they are back!! Remember if the item has a “Price Shocker” tag, that means that ALL Winco store will have this same price. If it is a normal Green Tag, its possible the prices will be slightly different from store to store.
Quaker “Life” Cereal $1.48
Quaker Capn Crunch Cereal $1.48
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Lunchmeat $1.68 (limit 4)
Capri Sun $1.68
The In Store coupons have one for $3/5 quaker items.
i know! but my stores already got rid of those and moved on the the general mills school coupons $1/2 cereal, $1/2 fruit snacks…at least these dont say ..only at…
i wish i grabbed more of the quaker, but if you still have those = FREE Cereal!
Actually, they wouldn’t have been free with that coupon anyway. lol
so i went to winco, and i asked at the counter and she says YES we have extras….with the quaker…she asked me How many would you like? she had HUNDREDS! i said 50?
i looked at the coupons, to make sure it didnt say “one per customer” and it didnt, and then i look at the expiration date. 8.25.13
…..Bummer! it went as easy as it came. you win some and lose some. hehe 
BTW, I wondered what happened to the Price Shocker items.
I do have three of those left. Cool. Didn’t know about the GM coupons. Thanks for the heads up.