
FREE Yucatan Guacamole @ Fred Meyer

FREE is good! Yucatan Guacamole every once in a while releases a High Value Coupon.  It just so happens this time that its on sale at Fred Meyer!  So get your chips ready and enjoy some FREE Guac!  This coupon will not last long!!

Deal Details

FREE Yucatan Guacamole @ Fred Meyer


Again this coupon may not last the day, so Click on the coupon link, and Click on the following image, and you’ll be ready to go!  You can get 2 prints per computer.  The coupon does say “One per visit.”  Also I walked ALL over the store looking for this product, asking 4 departments, and no one knew anything at all!……But as I was walking out I noticed the product over by the Japanese counter, by the potato salad/wings deli packaged things.  So woohoo!

Buy a 8oz Yucatan Guacamole, $2.99
-$2.99 Use a $3/1 Yucatan Guacamole Coupon
Final Price=FREE after coupon


(Also I made 2 complete visits, going out to my car and back. 🙂 )



Thanks to FrugalivingNW for the deal!

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