
$0.17 Birds Eye Recipe Ready Vegetables with Coupon/Double @ Safeway

Here is ANOTHER nice deal we can get this week at Safeway! Birds Eye Recipe Ready Frozen Vegetables for $0.17 Each!

Deal Details

  • The Birds Eye Recipe Ready Frozen Vegetables are $1.67 each through 4/22/14
  • There is a $1/1 Birds Eye Recipe Ready Frozen Vegetables Coupon 4/13 SS
  • WE can double this coupon!

2014-04-17 20.40.14

These are just Veggies, and have a mixture of Veggies that you would put together for a particular flavored Recipe.  I can work all of the above into a different Asian stirfrys! For Cheap! 🙂

Buy Birds Eye Recipe Ready Frozen Vegetables, $1.67
-$1 Use a $1/1 Birds Eye Recipe Ready Frozen Vegetables Coupon 4/13 SS
-$0.50 Use a Double Coupon
Final Price=$0.17 after coupon and double!


2014-04-17 20.48.07

Thanks Holly!

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