
$1.10 Kashi Frozen Entrees @ Safeway [BEGINNER]

{UPDATE} it appears the 2 x 30% no longer work together. so the price of these goes up to $1.10ea after 1 x 30% coupon and the Catalina. I also changed this deal to a BEGINNER status, because everyone can get the $1.10 price no problems. Still a pretty good price. {UPDATE]

This is a WOW deal!  Sooo many promotions overlapping to let us get a fantastic deal.

Deal Details

  • Through tomorrow, 4/23, the Kashi Frozen Entrees are $3 each
  • There is an IN-AD Store Kashi Coupon for 30% off
  • OR there is a one time J4U Kashi 30% off coupon
  • There is ALSO a National Catalina Where you buy 5 Kashi Items you get a $5 OYNP Cat!!

So First lets print add the J4U E-Coupon to our Safeway card. Go HERE, which is the “Coupon Center.”  Then choose the Breakfast & Cereal category on the left.  You should see this coupon, everyone should have this one, ADD it.

Then cut out and bring from home from this/last weeks Safeway ad, or just get one from the store, the coupon that looks like this on page 6,

So we are ready!

Buy 5 Kashi Frozen Entrees @ $3 each =$15
-$4.50 Scan your card, the 30% J4u will come off(either or)
-$4.50 Give them the 30% coupon(either or)
=$10.50 PAY
You will then get a $5 OYNP Catalina!!
=NET $1.10 for 5 boxes!!!

**A few things about this deal.  This Catalina Rolls.  Perhaps you have someone else in your family that has a club card that you can repeat the steps above, buy another 5, use the previous $5 CAT, pay $5.50 OOP, and get another $5 OYNP Cat!!  

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