YAY! Its the Fred Meyer 92st Anniversary Sale! So over the next 7 days it appears they will be offering items costing $0.92 each day. Today’s deal is a pack of Pantene or Aussie Shampoo for $0.92, which we need to load to our club cards today. Last year they had only a limited about of each daily item, but this year it looks like everyone will have the opportunity to get the Daily item!! We need to load the Coupon TODAY but have 2 days to use it(thru 9/17/14)!
(So it was A shampoo…just not suave. yay! Much Better!!)
There is technically a $0.75 off ONE Aussie Shampoo or Conditioner Coupon, but the fine print on ALL Fred Meyer eCoupons is, ” Limit of one coupon per item. Digital coupons and paper coupons may not be combined on the purchase of a single item.” So that’s that. 🙂
So go HERE and load the $0.92 Pantene or Aussie Shampoo e-coupon. Click the “Sign in to Load”, Sign in, and just click “Load to Card”. Voila! Very easy!
This coupon only lets you get one item PER Card, but of course if your family had 2 cards……. 😉 Remember you need to add this deal TODAY! And tomorrow there will be another deal!
This is the fine print,
92¢ Anniversary Sale Daily Deals
Download exclusive offers daily Sunday, September 14 through Saturday, September 20!
Each offer good one day only, with coupon download available starting at 6am.
Most stores open 7am-11pm.
How does it work?
- Download the digital coupon for the 92¢ Anniversary Sale Daily Deal. Coupon is available for download starting at 6am and expires at 11pm. Coupon offer changes daily. View the coupon under ‘My Coupons’ in your account online or in our app.
- Go to Freddy’s that day to redeem your coupon with your Rewards Card. Digital coupon will automatically apply at checkout.
- Save even more with additional digital coupons you can load directly to your card. View all coupons
Have questions about digital coupons? See our FAQ.
Issues loading your coupons?
Coupon Customer Support: 1-888-553-3003
I have tried to load these coupons to both of my household cards but it will only let me load to 1. Have you done this successfully? Maybe it’s because I’m on my phone?
yeh, i think its the phone. I have heard of people doing it, but i have also heard of people having the same issue. I do ALL my loading on the computer. Because its easier to login, load, logout, login….quickly
I used to be able to load to both cards from my iphone. Loaded to the 1st card, logged out, then repeated. I actually was able to do that yesterday with the shampoo. Today, I could not load the 2nd card from my phone anymore. I loaded my card, I logged out and logged in to DH’s card and it greeted me with DH’s name, but once I clicked to the link to load the coupon, it showed that “coupon loaded to your card” and it showed my card #, not DH’s card #. Very weird!