December 16, 2015, at 11:43 pm 
Here are the Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 12/16/15 – 12/31/15!! Whole Foods changes their ad pricing twice a month. The “SECOND” ad cycle for this month goes from 12/16 through 12/31. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area.
(I took a TON of pictures, but These are the best deals I could find this week!! )
. . . → Read More: Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 12/16/15 – 12/31/15
December 3, 2015, at 12:00 am 
Here are the Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 12/2/15 – 12/15/15!! Whole Foods changes their ad pricing twice a month. The “FIRST” ad cycle for this month goes from 12/2 through 12/15. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area.
(I took a TON of pictures, but These are the best deals I could find this week!! . . . → Read More: Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 12/2/15 – 12/15/15
November 18, 2015, at 10:29 pm 
Here are the Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 11/18/15 – 12/1/15!! Whole Foods changes their ad pricing twice a month. The “SECOND” ad cycle for this month goes from 11/18 through 12/1. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area.
(I took a TON of pictures, but These are the best deals I could find this week!! . . . → Read More: Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 11/18/15 – 12/1/15
November 4, 2015, at 11:27 pm 
Here are the Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 11/4/15 – 11/17/15!! Whole Foods changes their ad pricing twice a month. The “FIRST” ad cycle for this month goes from 11/4 through 11/17. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area.
(I took a TON of pictures, but These are the best deals I could find this week!! . . . → Read More: Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 11/4/15 – 11/17/15
October 31, 2015, at 12:08 am

Its almost a New month at Whole Foods! (actually everywhere. ) This is a look at the NEXT Whole Deal Booklet for November and December. We can use the following Whole Foods Coupons this ad cycle, we just have to wait until 11/1/15. But if there are any coupons we can print now that might help us in September, we can print them now! Also Whole Foods will pull the . . . → Read More: Whole Foods Nov/Dec 2015 ‘The Whole Deal’ Coupon Booklet @ Whole Foods
October 15, 2015, at 5:31 pm 
Here are the Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 10/14/15 – 11/3/15!! Whole Foods changes their ad pricing twice a month. The “SECOND” ad cycle for this month goes from 10/14 through 11/3. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area.
(I took a TON of pictures, but These are the best deals I could find this week!! . . . → Read More: Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 10/14/15 – 11/3/15
October 1, 2015, at 7:31 pm 
Here are the Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 9/30/15 – 10/13/15!! Whole Foods changes their ad pricing twice a month. The “FIRST” ad cycle for this month goes from 9/30 through 10/13. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area.
(I took a TON of pictures, but These are the best deals I could find this week!! . . . → Read More: Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 9/30/15 – 10/13/15
September 16, 2015, at 7:51 pm 
Here are the Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 9/16/15 – 9/29/15!! Whole Foods changes their ad pricing twice a month. The “SECOND” ad cycle for this month goes from 9/16 through 9/29. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area.
(These are the best deals I could find this week!! )
We can use the . . . → Read More: Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 9/16/15 – 9/29/15
August 30, 2015, at 4:48 pm SO! What’s for dinner tonight? How about some Meatless Hot Dogs? or some Fakin bacon!? or some 3Grain Tempeh!? Well, if you were thinking that, then tonight is YOUR night! For those of the Vegetarian variety, this is really a Fantastic deal on the Vegetarian products. There are 6 products that are Free or SUPER cheap from Lightlife. So print the couponS out and buy however much you need!
Deal Details
- Various Lightlife products are on Sale through 9/15/15
August 26, 2015, at 9:51 pm 
Here are the Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 8/26/15 – 9/15/15!! Whole Foods changes their ad pricing twice a month. The “FIRST” ad cycle for this month goes from 8/26 through 9/15. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area.
We can use the Whole Foods Jul/Aug Coupons this month and next! Starting on the . . . → Read More: Whole Foods Deals Portland NW 8/26/15 – 9/15/15