March 16, 2014, at 3:31 pm We get 1 day of sunshine and looks what happens! Is it Summer time already? Well perhaps not quite yet, but to start adding to your summer movie plans, Regal is again bringing back $1 Summer Movies.
The 2014 Summer Movie Express runs for 9 weeks with select titles playing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the summer. See your local theater for program start date or see below. Admission to these films during the Summer Movie Express is only $1 and a portion of the proceeds goes to the Will Rogers Institute.
. . . → Read More: $1.00 Summer Movie Express Schedule 2014 @ Regal Cinemas
March 7, 2014, at 6:25 am FREE Movies? Why not? Today Google Play(the place we got FREE Music a few months ago) is giving away a FREE HD Digital Copy of the Movie “Big”, you know the one with Tom Hanks from the 80’s.

You will need a Google Play account, which requires a Credit Card, I used a $0 Balance Visa Gift Card ages ago and it works perfectly. You can go here to get the FREE HD Digital Download of ‘Big”! This offer of course will be for a limited time!
February 24, 2014, at 9:58 am {UPDATE} Read my comments below!! {UPDATE}
{UPDATE} Got my Netflix code today! 6 months for $5!!! {UPDATE}
I hope that title made sense. Basically we are “buying” a 6 month Promo Code to Netflix for $4.99! I am going to state now that this deal worked PERFECTLY for me, but it involves a few steps, and a possibility a good test for your your couponing charm. But hey, $4.99 for 6 months of Netflix was worth it!
Deal Details
January 16, 2014, at 9:45 pm Here is a nice early preview of the next Freebie at Panda Express. Jan 31st is Chinese New Year, and they usually give away an Entree on that day. It is their Firecracker Chicken Breast entree!

You can click on the image above, or click here, FREE Firecracker Chicken Breast Entree Coupon. Print out the coupon or show the above link to them on your mobile phone. No Purchase Necessary!
November 23, 2013, at 9:29 pm 
Its Small Business Saturday Again! Whats Small Business Saturday you ask? Every year for the past 3 years, American Express promotes Small Businesses all over America. So when you register your American Express card with them, and spend at least $10 on Nov 30th, Small Business Saturday, they will give you a $10 Credit towards your purchase. (Which the Small Businesses get full credit for the $10!!) Its as easy as that! FREE . . . → Read More: Small Business Saturday Nov 30 – Free $10 with your American Express Card
November 21, 2013, at 8:20 am Here is a nice FREE little deal that you can get through Amazon Local. Buy any normal espresso drink(mocha, latte etc) and get a FREE Kids 8oz Hot Chocolate!

Just go Here to “Buy” this FREE voucher! Here is the fine print,
What You Need to Know:
October 21, 2013, at 9:58 pm So I have gotten quite a few posts over the last few months about ways to reach me. I have been slow to add an “email me” feature only because of the potential spam bots of the world coming and visiting me, , but I am throwing caution to the wind and adding the “email me” option.
So on the right hand side of the website you will now notice, along with the Facebook link and the RSS link, a Letter/Envelope icon. Just click that, and it will auto pop up a way to email me. Please feel free . . . → Read More: New “Email” Feature added!
October 17, 2013, at 7:08 am 
Everybody likes free movies. Randomly Redbox issues movie promo codes that give us FREE movies that only last one day. This code is supposed to last until 10/30 or 11/7, conflicting reports, but nonetheless we at least get a good 2 weeks! The code is 9MXW2LPC , just click the “promo code” button on checkout at the Kiosk, enter the code and it will give you a $1.20 instant credit! You will have to pay $0.30 “extra” for blu-rays still…..
Remember you can use this code once per payment card, . . . → Read More: FREE Redbox Movie Code (Kiosk only)
October 2, 2013, at 9:36 pm Here is a nice little coupon. From October 3rd to October 6th, you can take the following coupon to most any Peet’s Coffee, and can get 2 drinks for the price of one!

Either print the following coupon, or just show them the coupon on your phone!
Print/Show this Coupon –> HERE
Fine print: Purchase one beverage and receive second beverage of equal or lesser value free. Qualifying beverages excludes bottled beverages. Valid at Peet’s retail locations only. Excludes airport, supermarket, BART and other licensed locations. May not be . . . → Read More: Buy ONE Get ONE FREE Drink Coupon 10/3 — 10/6 @ Peet’s Coffee
October 1, 2013, at 2:26 pm They are giving away another FREE entree! This one is being given away, tomorrow 10/2/13!

Just Click HERE to print or just to load it up on your phone and show them! This coupon came from Facebook, which you are more than welcome to go to sign up, HERE! 