This deal ran out VERY quickly. I assumed it would have lasted a bit longer. Bummer it didn’t!
Here is a Great deal on Diapers that requires NO paper coupons! AS in STRAIGHT UP FREE. I don’t quite know why, But hey, Free is Free. The deal uses a Digital coupon you can load to your Fred Meyer card. I would assume these Digital coupon will be gone very quickly, so load it ASAP! (really load soon.)
Deal Details
- There are 3 NEW Digital Coupons for 3 FREE Comforts Brand Products
- There is a NEW FREE Comforts for Baby Diapers Digital Coupon
- There is a NEW FREE Comforts for Baby Wipes 40ct Digital Coupon
- There is a NEW FREE Comforts for Baby Formula 23oz Digital Coupon
There is a limit of ONE for each of these digital coupons. But of course if your family had more than one Fred Meyer card, you could get more. If you have a QFC card, you can load it on that also, and it will come off at Fred Meyer.
Buy a Comforts Diapers, $5.99
Buy a Comforts Formula, $13.99
Buy a Comforts Wipes, $1
-$5.99 Use the FREE Comforts for Baby Diapers Digital Coupon
-$1.00 Use the FREE Comforts for Baby Wipes 40ct Digital Coupon
-$13.99 Use the FREE Comforts for Baby Formula 23oz Digital Coupon
Final Price=FREE after digital coupons
(I have to go test these this morning, but I figured you needed to load these coupons soon. But others have tested these and they work Perfectly!)
Thanks to KrogerKrazy for the heads up about this deal!
Whoa…I think lightning is slower! I wonder what happened….:-(