
FREE Mini Portions of Millstone Coffee @ Safeway [BEGINNER]

Here is another quick and easy deal.  In the 12/12 RP and the 2/13 RP is a $2/1 Millstone Coffee coupon.  The way the wording is on the coupon, it sates its off ANY PRE-PACKAGED MILLSTONE COFFEE…..”any” is such a great word.

well the little sample type portions of the millstone are $1.69each.  (1.75oz)  they are pre-packaged. 🙂

If one had alot of these, it would add up.  every 9 coupons =1lb of coffee.  depending on how many you have, or how many you could get off ebay(they are about 20 coupons for $2   =  2lbish for $2), its a quick and easy way to get inexpensive or FREE coffee

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