That was fun while it lasted!!! 🙂 All these coupons are now gone. 🙁
Its back! And the deal is easy. And these things don’t taste all that bad! We received 6 new coupon this morning, which you can print 12 copies PER computer! hehe 🙂
Deal Details
- The Skinny Cow Creamy Iced Coffees 8oz are $1.00 through 3/25/15
- There are a FEW new $1/1 Skinny Cow 8oz Iced Singles Coupons
- $1/1 Skinny Cow® single (8 oz) Creamy Iced Coffee Drink in any of the 3 flavors. Redeemable at Kroger. (Change zip to 30033)
- $1/1) Skinny Cow® single (8 oz) Creamy Iced Coffee Drink in any of the 3 flavors. Redeemable at Fry’s. (Change zip to 85023)
- $1/1 Skinny Cow® single (8 oz) Creamy Iced Coffee Drink in any of the 3 flavors. Redeemable at King Soopers. (Change zip to 80219)
- $1/1 Skinny Cow® single (8 oz) Creamy Iced Coffee Drink in any of the 3 flavors. Redeemable at Smith’s. (Change zip to 84123)
- $1/1 Skinny Cow® single (8 oz) Creamy Iced Coffee Drink in any of the 3 flavors. Redeemable at Dillons. (Change zip to 67212)
- $1/1 Skinny Cow® single (8 oz) Creamy Iced Coffee Drink in any of the 3 flavors. Redeemable at QFC. (Change zip to 98115)
- And if that Change Link doesn’t work for you, try this one, HERE!
As You can see there are a TON of $1/1 Coupons for these. You can print 2 of EACH! 🙂 These coupons say redeemable at…. but do not say redeeamable ONLY at….so we can use them as Fred Meyer! These were on the end of an isle near the frozen food section. If you don’t find them yet at your store, ask the CS desk! So Click the “Change Link” Page, enter the zip code listed next to coupon, Then come back and click the actual Coupon link! It should take you directly to the coupon. Do this step for each of the 6 links above! Fred Meyer limits you to 4 or 5 of the same coupons in one transaction. Most stores will let you do multiple transactions. 🙂
Buy a Skinny Cow Creamy iced Coffee, $1.00
-$1 Use a $1/1 Skinny Cow® single (8 oz) Creamy Iced Coffee Drink in any of the 3 flavors. Redeemable at QFC. (Change zip to 98115)
Final Price=FREE after coupon
Thank you so much! You are AWESOME!!!
I am udderly excited about this deal! lol 🙂
The qs aren’t exactly identical since each has a different grocery store listed on it. You could probably argue successfully that they could all be used in one transaction at FM, lol.
ACually, FM take other groceru stores coupons as long as it is for a specific item (not the $$ off basket). This coupon is for a specific item, so you should have no problem using it at FM.
This is what the FM coupon policy states…I take it to mean that only 2 printable coupons can be used per day….Is this the case?
We accept valid, current print-at-home Internet coupons, including those sent to you in Fred Meyer emails or that you find on, and “Free” item Internet coupons can be accepted only if all purchase criteria is met.
Only two Internet coupons per manufacturer, per Customer, per day will be accepted.
u are correct. i swear they keep changing that. i have NEVER ran in to a store that enforced that, but that is the rule. thank you for that clarification. 🙂
I am not sure when that “2…”policy got changed, all cashiers at my FM are trained to take 5 per transaction, unless the limit is on coupon.