
June Dairy Month Promo – Buy $15 Get $5 Back @ Safeway

Its June again, and that means National Dairy Month. This year Safeway is doing a month long promo, where you can get a $5 OYNP Catalina when you spend $15 participating products. The promotion dates for this promo are 5/29/13 – 7/2/13.  The fine print states that the $15 is after all coupons, but this is not the case.  It is $15 BEFORE Manufacturer Coupons.

You will find tags that state they are part of this promo.  But as with all of these promotions, it helps me to have a master UPC that I can double check, so I can have confidence that the $5 Catalina will actually print out.

So here is the Master UPC List.  You can view it online, HERE.  Or you can download a PDF version sorted by name, HERE or sorted by UPC Number, HERE.

So over the next month prices for various items will change which will make this promo worth keeping an eye on.  Here are some possible ideas that others have tried that have gotten the $5 OYNP Cat!

Buy (5) Activia 4pk $2 each
Buy (6) Yopa! Greek Yogurt $1 each
Use (3) B1G1 Yopa! Cups, exp. 7/31/13 (SS 05/12/13 R)
and Use (5) $1/1 Activia Multipack, exp. 7/13/13 (SS 05/19/13 #2)
Pay $8, Get Back $5 catalina
Final Price= $3 for 11 items or $0.27 ea!(thanks Darylann)

or the following idea does not use any coupons, but if you had some you could use them and bring the OOP even lower.(thanks bethers)

Buy 2 Philly Cream Cheese @ $2 each
Buy 1 Simply Orange Juice @ $3 each
Buy 3 Yopa yogurts @ $1 each
Buy 1 Activa 4-pack @ $2 each
Buy 1 Land-O-Lakes light butter tub @ $3 each
Pay $15, Get back a $5 catalina
Final Price=$10 for 8 items


1 comment to June Dairy Month Promo – Buy $15 Get $5 Back @ Safeway

  • lisa

    Strange but I saw the Magnum ice cream bars tagged for the $5 for $15 promo but I see it’s not on your list. Thank you for the list BTW.

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