
New $1/1 Kelloggs Cereal Coupon + $.67 Kelloggs Cereal @ Walgreens

Here is a nice and quick  deal that requires you printing the $1/1 Kelloggs Cereal coupon SOON, because it will run out quickly!

Lets Print the coupon out. To change Zip Codes easily, First Click HERE. Change the value to the desired Zip Code, and click the “GO” next to it.  We want Zip Code 19446.  Then Go HERE, choose Food category, and print this coupon,

Print 2 per computer, and use as many computers as you have!


Then starting, 9/15 at Walgreen’s, they will have their Kellogg’s Cereal $1.67 ea!  Use this coupon= $0.67 per box!

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