
Who Spends Money on Facebook?

Yes. Its true.  WhoSpendsMoney is on Facebook.  Yeh, Yeh, Welcome to the early 2000’s. 🙂  For those who laugh out loud that I need to even make a post like this, well, all I can say is, its here.  So why Facebook for me?  For those who don’t know me, I am testing out deals ALL the time. Believe it or not, a lot do not work, or perhaps there is a simple update to a deal that I would not normally update or send out to everyone again.  So Facebook will allow me to keep you all up to date on all these things.  Plus, If you have any suggestions or any deals that you would like for me to try out, this will be the place for it. Or if you just have a question about a particular deal, please ask.

So please Feel free to like My Page.  Its the big blue Button to right on the the Home Page, or of course you could just click HERE to take you to page.  I will be adding more things to it as time goes on, so I hope that it will be of assistance to you!

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