
Winco 5/21/13 – New Price Shockers + New Coupon Booklet


So on one of my stops by Winco to see what goodies there are to buy this week I found a few GREAT Deals! Also i found a new Coupon booklet. These coupons do NOT say “Only at Winco”  which means we can use them other places. (i took a picture of it opened, front and back)

Also I found three new price shocker items.

We can use the $0.75/2 coupon we just got in this last Sundays Paper (5/19SS)

Buy 2 Nabisco Snack Crackers =$2.96
-$0.75  Use the $0.75/2 Nabisco coupon
Final Price = $2.21 for 2 or $1.10 each!


$1.78 for a bag of Lays Potato Chips.  This is about the cheapest you will see these this time of year.


Which is a good price.  There is not any current coupons for this item.

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