
FREE 2 Liter 7-UP, A&W, Canada Dry, Sunkist TEN Products @ Safeway [BEGINNER]

Since you might be at Safeway to pick up your super cheap pizzas(try buying 2 instead of 3..mmm ;-)), You might as well get some FREE Soda to go with it.  They are giving away FREE 2 Liters of the new “TEN” product line.  If you have tried it yet, its WAY better than Diet.  Really. No Really Really.

This deal is as easy as loading it to your Safeway Club Card.  Once you do you have until 2/5/13 to get it!

So First we add the e-coupon to our Safeway card. Log in to your Safeway J4U account, Go to “Coupon Center “. Scroll down under “Beverages”, and you should see this coupon, “Add” it to your card.

Then when your at Safeway, just add one of these to your shopping cart, when you scan your card at check out, it will instantly be FREE.(in Oregon we have the privilege of paying the $0.05 deposit)  Super Easy!!!

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