
FREE Carnation Breakfast Essentials @ Fred Meyer [BEGINNER]

Wow!  Here is a VERY easy deal to do!  TODAY ONLY, Friday, you can load an E-Coupon to your Fred Meyer(or QFC Card) for a FREE Carnation Instant Breakfast 8-10 Count product!

Go HERE.  Sign In.  or Sign up.  You do not need to enter in all your info, You just need your actual card to input your card # into the account.  Then you will be shown the available coupons to “Load to Card” to your card.

(the Sign in to load, will change to “load to card”, once you log in.)

Once you click “Add”, you go to the store, buy the item, and when it scans at register, the amount just comes off! =FREE.  Although you need to add the E-Coupon today, you have until Feb 2nd to use it!!!

Of course this deal is one PER card that you have. 😉

And while you are there adding this e-coupon, you might as well add the Digiorno coupon, as there could be a really good deal on that soon.

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