
National Play-Doh Day 50% off ALL Items @ Fred Meyer

This is a ONE Day Sale, September 16th!  Who knew there was a National Play-Doh Day?  But to “celebrate” the day, Fred Meyer has ALL their Play-Doh for 50% off!

National Play-Doh Day 50% off ALL Items @ Fred Meyer

There are not any current Play-Doh Coupons to make the following deals better, but Here are some snapshot of items and prices for the sale!  Remember these deals are for ONE Day Only!

As you can see My Fred Meyer store did not have a large selection.  Obviously this will vary per store.  There are 2 current coupons we can use.

$1/1 PLAY-DOH Compound on a purchase over $2.50 Coupon

$5/1 PLAY-DOH Launch Game Coupon

I brought the 8 pack multicolor $5.99 Item below up to the register to make sure the coupon worked.  It rang up as $2.99(50% off), and scanned the $1/1 coupon, and the price came to $1.99.  I voided the product, since I do not need anymore Play Doh… 🙂 …But I can confirm the coupon works Great!

2014-09-16 09.50.29

2014-09-16 09.50.35


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