As was mentioned yesterday, We had a coupon RESET! So Here is a deal we can do again!!
Another deal on the Evol Breakfast Burritos. If you didn’t have a chance to stock up at Whole Foods a few weeks back, after the printable coupon and doubles, these come to $0.50 each!
Deal Details
- The Evol Breakfast Burritos are $2 through 11/11/14!
- There is (still) the $1/1 Evol Burrito Coupon (Change zip to 80219)
- We can double that coupon!(at most safeways)
The breakfast sandwiches are also included in this sale. And the sale goes on a long time! I found these not in the normal burrito section, but in the breakfast section, next to the frozen waffles! and since it does not say ‘ONLY at Walmart” it can be used anywhere. This coupon beeped on the item below but the cashier had no problems pushing it through.
Buy a Evol Breakfast Burritos @ $2
-$1 Use a $1/1 Evol Burrito Coupon (Change zip to 80219)
-$0.50 Use a double coupon
Final Price=$0.50 after coupon and double
Thanks to for the idea!
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