
Whole Foods Deals 10/16/13 — 11/5/13

Whole Foods changes their ads twice a month. The second ad cycle for this month goes from 10/16 through 11/5. Here are the items that are on sale these weeks in the Portland, Oregon area. Nothing FREE this cycle yet, but there are a few good deals.  Some of the items are just a OK deal, but I took the pictures, so i just included them. 🙂  Starting November 1st, we will have a new Whole Foods Coupon Booklet, so we have 5 days that overlap that there could be a few more deals!

Deal #1

Food Should Taste So Good Chips, $2.50
Use a $1/1 Food Should Taste So Good printable coupon
AND use a $0.50/1 Food Should Taste So Good Whole Foods Coupon
Final Price= $1 ea after coupons

Deal #2

Nasoya Organic Non-GMO Tofu, $1.99
Use a $0.75/1 Nasoya Printable coupon
AND use a $1.25/2 Nasoya Whole Foods Coupon
Final Price=$1.23 for 2( or $0.62 ea)

Deal #3

Buy Saffron Road Frozen Entress @ $4.49
-$1 Use the Whole Foods $1/1 Saffron road Coupon
-$2 Use the New $2/1 Saffron Road printable Coupon
Final Price= $1.49 after coupons

Deal #4

SMARI Icelandic Yogurt $1.50
Use a B1G1 SMARI Icelandic Yogurt Printable Coupon (register-coupon arrives in about 30min)
Final Price=$0.75 ea WYB 2

Deal #5

Tasty Bite Rices, $1.69
Use a $1/2 Tasty Bite Rice Printable coupon (Change zip to 33033)
Final Price=$1.19 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Deal #6

Bobs Red Mill Items
Use B1G1 Bobs Red Mill Coupon (thru 10/31)
Final Price= 2 for the sales price of 1


Deal #7

Mamma Chia Squeeze Pouches, $1.50
Use $1/2 Mamma Chia Printable coupons (sort by company)
Final Price=$1 ea WYB 2 after coupon

Deal #8

Westsoy Soy milk, $1.99
Use a $1/1 Westsoy Whole Foods Coupon
Final Price= $0.99 after coupon


Deal #9

Beanfields Bean&Rice Chips, $2.69
Use a $0.50/1 Beanfields Printabe coupons (sort by company)
Final Price=$2.19 after coupon

Deal #10

Chobani Yogurt, 6oz, $1.25
Use a $0.55/1 Chobani Yogurt Coupon (Change zip to 03103)
Final Price=$0.70 ea


Deal #11

Udi Products $3.99-$4.49
Use the $2/1 Udi Product Printable coupon from a few days ago (No longer available)
Final Price=$1.99-$2.49 after coupon!

Deal #12

Glutino Products $2.69-$3.99
Use the $2/1 Glutino Product Printable coupon from a few days ago (No longer available)
Final Price=$0.69-$1.99 after coupon! (the cookies are also $3.99 this week)

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