
FREE BiC Disposable Razors @ Rite Aid [BEGINNER]

YAY!  Another FREE Rite Aid deal.  This one is an Easy one also.

So Here are the details:

  • Currently Rite Aid has the BiC Comfort 3(Mens) and the BiC Silky Touch 3(Womens) For $4.69 Each
  • Currently they are also on a Buy 1 get one 50% off.
  • Also there is a $3 +UPs wyb you 2


So We go and buy(mix & match) 2 of the above = $4.69+$2.34(the %50 off one) =$7.03
Use 2 x $2/1 BiC Disposable Razor Coupon 12/9 SS
=$3.03.  PAY  (or use previous +UPs)
Get a $3 +UPs in return=  NET$0.03, basically FREE

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